Chapter 14 - Job and Visiting Highschool...

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Before you ask, no there will be no waifu from this world. I have decided that although this world have a lot of waifus, all of them are very weak and can only be there for show even after they awaken their Magic Core (except Saya Takagi and Saeko Busujima) but none will have any relationship with MC.
Next chapter will be directly released after 21st December, the day of my final exam...
The next world will(might) bring a new waifu for us.
Thank you~


(Ryo's POV)

When I has just completed my task, my new phone sang a little, indicating a notification. I was a little confused and opened the message. The content made my mouth twitch a few times and in the end, I signed in resign.

The notification was about our occupation. Like normally, Nana will be studying in the same school where the Main Characters of the anime will be studying, the Fujimi Academy. As for me? I'm assigned as a Physical Education Teacher.
This will be a little problem for me as I don't have much knowledge and don't know any details about all the things that I will have teach. Thankfully, we will attend the school after a months. During that time, I will be able to learn all the necessary things as my learning speed and capabilities are increased by the help of my Magic Core.

I checked out my new status and mission available for me.

Name: Otsuki Ryo
Gender: Male
Title: [Genius Newbie]
Bloodline: [Human] [???(Sealed)]
HP(Health Points): 100%
MP(Mana Points): 95%
Traits: [Chuunibyou Effect] [Pure and Innocent]
Perks: [War Lord] [Brave and courageous] [King Of Lust] [Cockroach] [Pride]
Magic Core: Infinity
Current Core Stage: F-Rank 9st stage
Core Traits: [Infinity: True Immortality]
Body Power Rank: F+ (F+)
Mind Power Rank: F+ (F+)
Soul Power Rank: F (F)]


[Mission available:-
1. Train Nana and help her reach F-Rank 5th Rank.
Rewards: Random Gift Box

2. Reach E-Rank 1st stage.
Rewards: System Update, ???

3. Teach students effectively for atleast six months.
Rewards: Random Gift Box]


I didn't thought much about the possible new things that the update will bring but hope that it can also give Nana a personal system and missions but the most important thing was that I noticed an unknown box next to my bloodline. I asked the system about it but it told me that my power is not enough. I notified Nana about it and all the missions that were available and I had also accepted them. In response, she just hummed and continued to watch the T.V . I feel deadpan at her carefree altitude as she shooed me away as I was distributing her from her T.V show.

I signed and then went to prepare our bed to sleep and after some time, we went to bed while wearing our sleepwears at around 9 PM. We had decided to sleep together as I don't think that Nana will be able to cope up with all the stress and tension she has gone through today. When we were in the bed, I gave Nana a goodnight kiss and hugged her to make her feel comfortable. I smiled seeing her fell asleep fastly as she was tired. Not soon after that, I also fell asleep but I was on gaurd and my body was still in alert mode to any suspicious noise.
Nothing much happened while we were sleeping as it was a very tiresome day for both of us. When the morning arrived, I woke Nana up for breakfast and training. After she had activated her Magic Core, she is not able to utilise it to it's maximum capabilities and her control over her body was also not proficient enough.

After some exercises and mana manipulation training, she was sweating and taking quick deep breath while lying on the ground. I was about to find her limit as she can use her Speed Force for 5 seconds and can bost her speed by 10X times. I trained her till she was very tired. In the end, although she was powerful, shes still at F-Rank 1st stage while my current power is at 5th stage (Punishment for not completing missions but will not affect him when the canon start). I decided to give her a lap pillow as a reward for her hard work as I caressed her head. She snuggled on my lap with a small smile to feel more comfortable and have her small rest. Sometimes I wonder that I'm almost similar to Scáthach from TYPE-MOON franchise. I can relate to how it is very satisfying to watch Nana which was Cu Chulainn in case of Scáthach...

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