Chapter 24 - Experiment (PT-1)

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Note: Dark elements will be present in this chapter.

Don't forget to comment and drop that power stone. Shido will be finally dealt with soon. Hope you enjoy the chapter.
Thank you~



With the help of his subordinates, Ryo quickly set up a small lab for his research purpose. He had selected this specific mini mall because it had all the necessary medical items and he had transformed one of the big rooms into a laboratory. Then this mall also had several medical items present, which can be used anytime. Nana was looking at him experiment on the group of survivors he had gathered.

Looking at the unconscious bodies lying on the table while being tightly strapped, Ryo examined them coldly. Although he is feeling a little bad he had determined that this experiment is very important for him. He was not some cold-blooded psycho serial killer in his previous life, who can go on killing and torturing everyone in his way.

He was a sane normal person just a few years ago. But after the incident a year ago, he had determined that he best control his own fate by himself and not depend on someone else.

He hates the feeling where his and his loved one's life depends on someone else's hand who can easily play with their life for fun or entertainment.

He had already read several Fanfics to know that Main Characters says that they will not work under anyone but still becomes a lot dependent on their system, while the system is directly controlled by a ROB.

They will become so dependent on the system that they lose their mind if ever their system gets destroyed or stolen away. But Ryo was not like them. He will take every opportunity to become strong, strong enough to kill those gods who think that they could control his or his loved one's life. Just the thoughts made his eyes grow colder.

In the end, the only way to become strong is through hard work and using his mind to the extreme. He didn't think that any hesitation and bad feelings will help him in his path.
He would have preferred his previous life, lazing around and earning a lot of money and enjoying his simple lame life until he dies. This all changed after his reincarnation. After seeing the supernatural world, he still might have still lived his life normally with Nana but after he found out about how strong the people after him were and how he barely survived through that incident, a fire had been placed in his heart.

He will never let that fire disappear. He will reach the top, take his own fate in his own hand and kill every single person that will come in his way. Even if it's Ainzus himself, Ryo will not hesitate to kill him off if the opportunity, reward, and time are good and he will stay alive after killing him.

With the same determination, he wore the proper clothing and gloves as he opened the portable freezer. Inside the freezer, 1000 injections were placed inside a cold environment.

These injection bottles contain several different types of mutant variants of the Virus that lead to this outbreak. With Ryo's genius mind, he had prepared and modified several different variants of the Virus with a high chance of special human mutation. He had taken blood samples of millions of people and with his mind, he invented special 'variation' of virus which have very low chances to turn a normal human into a zombie but still gives them powerups, almost making them Captain America of zombie apocalypse.

These variants can easily be replenished through normal breeding process like any other virus does. This was also the plus point of this virus. This virus can replicate like normal viruses but the results are much more violent. Just a drop of blood is enough to breed a few billions if not trillions of them.

He could have done more but due to lack of advanced medical equipment and high restrictions, he was not able to improve the Virus variants. He knew that if he do something drastic, he will attract the attention of several people in power and they will take action against him. With that in mind, he had been doing several experiments in shadows.

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