###Chapter 9 Reaching and attacking the [ROOT]!

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(Omniscient Viewer POV)
In the endless void, a huge futuristic structure can be seen floating. It had a huge core made of unknown material. It has so many runes, concepts, and information that just one look at it can make a Y-rank living being go insane.
The core is placed on a platform of almost translucent material which had several runes and concepts embedded in it. It formed and serves as a platform for the core. It forms a light-years-long platform.

The core is the very thing known as [ROOT] by most beings

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The core is the very thing known as [ROOT] by most beings. It had several rings revolving around the platform, forming a container-like formation so that any power cannot leak outside of the formation. Normally, it is tightly guarded and no one has any confidence and daring enough to invade it but today can be considered the first time in the history of trillions of years that it was invaded.

The invader is only a single female. She wore an Astral Dress, made out of crimson and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails. She has pearly skin and long, black hair usually tied in long twin tails. Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a golden, inorganic clock face.

{A/N: Guess who's the girl?}

She quickly passed through all the formations and defenses as hundreds of millions of girls who looked the same as she came out of her non-existent shadow, helping her and protecting her pass through all the attacks and defenses.

As she was just a few hundreds of kilometers away, a man came in front of her, blocking her way. He has light blue hair and eyes. He had a very serious look. He had adorned white clothes and a golden Halo can be seen behind his head. He was the pure definition of Angel. The only thing he left was wings and he can directly be called an Angel.

(Image of the man below)

He said sincerely and softly, "Intruder, I will give you one last warning

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He said sincerely and softly, "Intruder, I will give you one last warning. Return and I will let you go away. Do so or otherwise only death awaits you any further. What you are doing will destroy everything above the 'root'. By using the [Root], you might reach out to the past but you know that after that, all of us will be wiped out."

The girl said seriously. Normally she would have played and teased her opponents but she knew that it's not the time for that. She said, "Ainzus, You know that I cannot back now. The 'Crimson Church' had already taken over 'his' body and will not soon after that they will use it to cause complete destruction."

She looked seriously at Ainzus and said, "You know it's only a few hundred years and the Infiniteverse will soon be destroyed. It's better to change the past and help out future selves from the trouble. I respect you but this cannot diminish my determination. TVA is very powerful but it still cannot defeat the Infinity itself."

"Even if you were able to defeat his body, either way, you will have to kill him and soon or later, he will be reborn again within the next few thousand years. What you are doing is just preventing the inevitable."
Ainzus maintained silent for a few seconds and replied softly, "You know that I cannot do that. My whole existence is to protect the [ROOT] and maintain balance."

As if expecting the reply, the woman quickly reached for the [ROOT]. Ainzus's eyes turn emotionless and he quickly attacked the woman with a cold expression. A huge magical array formed behind as hundreds of millions of spells were fired at her. He didn't stop there as he also summoned his clones as they attached the woman.

Just when the woman was about to be hurt, a man appeared from a portal. He snapped his fingers and all the spells and the clones disappeared directly in thin air. He had complete purple skin. Physically, he can be like a small Titan, reaching 4 meters of height he is packed with powerful muscles, a broad face, and a purple-hued skin tone. He had equipped himself with a protective suit of golden armor.

A lot of runes and aura were leaking out of his body. But the most amazing thing that brings attention is his metal gauntlet. There were 6 different crystalline stones embedded in it. He snapped his fingers as soon hundreds of portals formed behind him. Several men came out of the portals.

All of them were almost as strong as the person who had opened the portal. The purple humanoid creature said, "Ainzus, 'The Council of the Kings' will be your enemy. Let's see who will be able to survive. This will be the fight where either we or the Infiniteverse will survive."

Not giving time to react to Ainzus, many of the people summoned attacked Ainzus.
After seeing so many people attacking him and blocking his path, he coldly snorted as several portals formed behind him, summoning several powerful beings much more powerful than the main leaders of 'The Council of the Kings' and that too in greater quantity.
Ainzus ordered them, "Help me, residents of Infiniteverse, to defeat the intruders otherwise we will be completely wiped out by the [ROOT]." The summoned creatures grimly nodded as they knew who Ainzus was and how strong he is. Disobeying him will only lead to being getting sealed and tortured for eternity.

They quickly attacked the 'The Council of the Kings'. The purple Titan snapped his fingers as almost all of the weakling were wiped out but his face was still grim as only a small portion of the summoned enemies were wiped out. He felt a little displeased because although he has the power of infinity stones, the energy required to use them is very high and this also puts a lot of strain on his body.

He seriously said to the nearby summoned ally, "Uchiha Ryo, I will need your help." The person who he asked for help nodded as he made several hand gestures as tens of purple eyes appeared all over his body. Uchiha Ryo can be considered one of the most flexible fighters in 'The Council of Kings'.

Each of the eyes had several orbital lines with comma-like symbols were spinning randomly on the orbit. He had long black hair, reaching his hips and several runes drawn all over his body. He chanted a lot of curses and magical attacks as reality started to bend and form several futuristic weapons and spaceships of the size of a few light-years. These ships started to blast several high-level spells, killing a small proportion of opponents.

Armies of both sides reached each other and soon a legendary but one-sided war was fought. One side was fighting to change everything while the other was to maintain balance and safeguard their own existence.

(The lady's POV)

I quickly reached the [ROOT]. It is a huge and complex structure. Sadly I cannot see it directly otherwise I will go insane. I gave the battlefield the last gaze and froze. I saw almost all of my allies wiped out. I saw the purple titan killed off by a person as his opponent destroyed his head. I felt a little sad and almost cried, 'Hold yourself girl, I cannot back down and let their sacrifice go to waste.'

I quickly pointed my old flintlock pistol to the root as I chanted, "Oh the elements of space and time, hear my command and help me one more time. LAST REVOLUTION!" I shot my attack on the [ROOT] and entered a small portal opening in the center of the [ROOT]. I tightly held on to the object my loved one gave me before I slowly felt my sense of sight disappear.

The last thing that I saw was Ainzus reaching out to me trying to stop me. He is really a kind man and will not hurt anyone as long as it is not necessary. Sadly he binds himself with his reason of existence way too seriously. Hope in the new future, he can befriend my lovely Ryo. Ryo was way too stressed out these years as he had to protect us from any possible harm after we lost our bodies...

Hehe, it was very funny and entertaining for me to add a parallel world with Thanos and Uchiha clan. And as you guessed, I'm going to add a parallel world to provide competition to our MC!
I might regret this decision but still, I will try my best to write good chapters!BTW, How was the chapter? Can you guess who the lady was?

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