Chapter 10 - Starter Pack & Time Skip is too OP

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I suddenly have caught a cold, have a fever, and headache so the quality of the chapter might be bad as I'm am barely able to think of a proper plot. Worry not as I can say with guarantee that it's not COVID as I haven't left home these few days and all my classes are online.

I might not be able to write another chapter today but I will try my best to complete this arc in the next two or so chapters before taking a break as my exams are just next week.

(Ryo's POV)

I quickly said goodbye to Nana as she left with her mother. I watched the surroundings through the window as I sat in the backseat of the car. After reaching my home, I greeted my parents and quickly entered my bathroom as I quickly opened my starter pack.

[You got 10X Magic Crystals]

[You got a Minor Memory Restoration Potion]

[You got a Body Growth Potion]
[You got a Mana Manipulation Guide Book]

[You got Skill [Hacking(Active): (F+)-Rank )]]

[You got skill [Body Crystallisation(Active): C-Rank]]

I quickly accepted all the rewards and stored physical objects in my inventory. Now my inventory has four items stored inside it. The first one is Adaptation Potion, the second one is 10X Magic Crystals, the third one is Body Growth Potion and the last one is Memory Restoration Potion. After I accepted the skills and abilities, I suddenly felt a lot of knowledge entering my mind as I held my head in pain.

The Magic Manipulation guide will be a great help to me. Although I can form a small sphere of mana, it acts like a liquid when it hits an object and dispels itself. This guide will help me make my creations more solid and long-lasting while also reducing mana usage. Then there is a hacking skill. With this skill, I can say that although I will not be like those top-level hackers I can say that I can definitely rank at the bottom of the Top 100 list.
Then the most special ability. The Body Crystallization skill. With this skill, I can turn my body parts into red solid crystals. I tried to make my hands turn in crystal but sadly I can only turn my fingernails into very long and sharp crystal-like structures after I provided it with mana. I tried to test it on my pen which I borrowed from my father.

I tried to swipe my fingers in the form of a knife on the pen and to my astonishment, I cleaved the pen in half with no effort as if I was cutting a butter block with a hot knife. No, it was, even more, smoother than that.
I can say with a guarantee that my nails can damage even a metal wall. I quickly hid the broken pen and started to test out my ability. Sadly just maintaining the crystal nails for a few minutes costs me 10% of my total reserve. After a few hours of training, I took out a Magic Crystal.

This crystal was completely blue in color. It was illuminated with soft dark blue light. I can feel the mana absorption in my Mana Core increase by several folds.
It is a very good feeling and I can feel a giddy feeling especially around my chest area as if electricity is passing around my body. After observing it for some time, I examined it with my eyes.

 After observing it for some time, I examined it with my eyes

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