Chapter 15- Basic theories, end of flashback and inventing new skills...

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(Ryo's POV)
During the following months, I have written down all my knowledge about the animes and Manga that I had watched in my previous life in a blank notebook.

It also made me theorise many things like how higher beings and worlds might affect other worlds and I can say  that the gods that humans from my previous life used to pray to, might be real and all of them might have influence in all the worlds. Let's just hope that they don't cause trouble for us.

After some frustrating thoughts, I had determined that it's best if I am more powerful to protect ourselves from them. I don't like things and situations where I or anyone close to me is kept on the mercy of anyone else. Although I have the backing of Ainzus, I don't think that he can protect me forever or will be able to protect me when he will be pressurized by beings of same power levels like him.

The following weeks, I tried and experimented many new things with my power. I even tried out my Hair Animation skill and elongated my hair or tried to change their colour. Through I can bring some basic changes, I still cannot use them as weapons. It requires moderate mana to use this skill.

Then I tried to test out my mana manipulation range. I can create anything within 1 meters diameter and they lose their effects when they exits 30 meters of diameter but the effectiveness of my projectiles will decrease the further it gets away from me. The range had increased as previously it was only able to stay in effect within 3 meters of diameter around my body.

Then I tried some Naruto logic and was able to walk on the wall and even walk upside down but this skill required a lot of mana. Walking on water is impossible right now but might be able to walk on water when I probably reach E or D-Rank.

Then I also tried out enhancing objects which was successful after some experiments. The logic is that I just have to layer out every single part of the object and just provide it with tons of mana. It almost used 10% of my mana just to enhance a knife for a minute which was a waste of mana as I can use Body Crystallization and turn my body parts into sharp crystals and use them as weapons for almost half an hour with the same amount of mana. This also gave me a new skill as I used the mana stored in the object to release mana slashes which looked like wind slashes. I tried enhancing my eyes and was able to get a new skill called [Eagle Eyes]. Sadly I was not able to make it night vision... currently.

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Object Attachment (Active): (F+)-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Object Enhancement (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Mana slashes (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Eagle Eyes (Active): E-Rank ] ]

After some more experiments, I was able to generate fire by releasing mana in a instantaneous moment and continued to provide it with mana to increase the movement of particles in air to generate heat or in this case, fire. I used the same logic to generate some electricity but it almost emptied up all my mana reserve and barely made some electric sparks. Then also made some mana bullets and used it to train my mind to do multitasking but sadly it failed all the time as I can release them in a single direction but cannot make them spin around me but still I continued to train it as who knows when it might show some results. Then I used my mana to make a small beam of mana for offensive purpose but it didn't even damaged a plastic bottle. This was also added to my side projects.

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Minor Fire Generation (Active): E-Rank ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Minor Electricity Generation (Active): E-Rank ] ]

The one of the most important skill that I discovered was called [Mana Bomb]. I was experimenting when I found that there are two types of mana that is present in anything. I named them Passive and Active mana. The Passive mana was like peaceful water while Active mana was like lava. The production of these types of mana all depending on what the user is thinking and the intension of the person. I used this consept to cover Active mana in the core while covering it with passive mana. The starting results was not successful then I tried to use it in enhanced object and boom, I created explosives.

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