Rewrite notice

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Hi, SR_2027, here!
I had reread the chapters that I have already released and have decided to rewrite the whole ff again.

But I will let this ff be as it is until March, 2022. After that I will delete the old chapters and post new chapters.


#The major changes will be:

1. The difficulty will be increased.

2. The system will be modified. There will be no rewards or any missions. Only status screen and anime hopping functions.

3. The background will be same but will modify the beginning of the story and remove the info dumps.

4. Decrease the number of harem members.

5. Will fix the time traveling things and time paradoxes.

6. Remove those parallels self of Ryo.

7. Make things a lot less complicated and simple.


# For any Q/A, You can write a comment here.

Thank you for all your support! 😁

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