Important Things

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This ff is directly released on Webnovel and I copy my own work from that platform and directly paste the work here. This might lead to a lot of confusion. You can pinpoint out any problem. Sadly I will rarely read or reply to any comments on this platform...

I do not own any kind of pictures or references used. They belongs to their respective owners.

Anyway, you can check out my Webnovel account. The name is SR_2027.
Thank you~

## Power Core and Weapon destruction levels:-

Magic Core+Weapon Rank--- E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, Ex, X, XX, XXX, Y, YY, YYY, Z, ZZ, ZZZ   

[Each Magic Core Ranks have 9-stages]

F-RANK increases the stats by +1X of that of a normal person per stage

E-RANK increases the stats by +10X of that of a normal person per stage

D-RANK increases the stats by +100X of that of a normal person per stage

C-RANK increases the stats by +1000X of that of a normal person per stage

B-RANK increases the stats by +10,000X of that of a normal person per stage

A-RANK increases stats by +100,000X of that of a normal person per stage and ability to fly in space and can destroy a planet

S-RANK increases stats and gives the ability of Solar-system destroyer level

SS-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy multi Solar-systems and Galaxy destroyer levels at peak

SSS-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy clusters of galaxies and the Universe at peak

Ex-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy multiverse (Can Travel Interdimensions and even true Dimensions)

X-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy omniverse (Particular Timeline)

XX-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy multiple omniverses

XXX-RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy hyperverse (Complete Franchise or Brand)

Y-RANK increases stats

YY- RANK increases stats

YYY- RANK increases stats and only the God of the Bible is the only one to reach this Rank

Z- RANK increases stats and this rank and above are considered as Ragnarock Level and Outer God

ZZ- RANK increases stats. None is known to reach this level and whether if there are any subcategories and there is a level above it.

ZZZ- RANK increases stats and gives the ability to destroy Infiniteverse. None is known to reach this level and whether if there are any subcategories and there is a level above it.

BTW, don't forget to give votes!

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