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In the morning, in a towel and sat on my bed, I calmed my mother down on the phone. She was ecstatic I found a job, but she was upset I decided to take a gap year in order to do it. I didn't want to fulfill her dream of me going to law school just yet - I wanted to pursue this job opportunity in social media and see where it took me.

She reluctantly agreed after I made a convincing argument that social media was the future. I told her I was having breakfast with the boys and then I had to come home to pack a small bag. It was 10:00, and they would send a taxi for me at 2:00. The next show was in East Rutherford in the U.S., and I was to travel with them.

After I hung up, I heard a knock at my door. I opened it, not thinking about the fact that I'm only wearing a towel from my shower this morning. I realized my mistake when Harry's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, holding in his laughter while trying to look away. I quickly shut the door in his face and slipped on my clothes from last night. It was disgusting but I didn't have any other option.

I opened the door, and Harry stood with his hands behind his back, smirking. "Can I come in?"

I stepped back and let him in, closing the door. He lay on the bed and put his legs up, his hands behind his head.

"Come lie down with me," he pat the bed beside him and I awkwardly climbed over him. I could feel his eyes on my backside and I gave him a glare. I settled in beside him and he put his arm around my shoulders.


"Don't over-think it. Let it be natural," he commanded.

"Harry, we had one kiss," I looked up at him. "Is this not serious for you?"

"I like to roll with the punches." He said, looking up at me. "Is that the saying?"

"Well, do you want to pursue this?" I asked. "My job is at stake here, Harry, I'm not going to give it up. Are you going to be serious about this?"

"I don't know, do you want to kiss me right now?" He asked, smiling.

"Ya, why?"

"Because I want to kiss you." He flipped us over so he was on top of me, his curls tickling my face as he leant down and kissed me deeply. My hands found their way up his back and he started to suck on my neck, biting gently. I was in a small amount of pain until he blew on the sore and kissed it.

"There you go." He said, his voice deep and raspy. "How's that for serious?"

I giggled like a schoolgirl, and he got off of me and made his way to the door. I pretended that his actions answered my question because I was too stricken by him to care.

"Be down in the lobby in 15 minutes," he said in the middle of walking out of the door. "We're going to Cora's for breakfast."

I met the boys at the designated location. Zayn and Niall were nowhere to be found, and Harry informed me Liam was still sleeping. I was grateful; it would have been uncomfortable if I had to have breakfast with Liam after the Jackie incident. We walked into the restaurant and there was a back table reserved for the Harry, Louis, and I. As we entered, I heard everyone in the restaurant suddenly start to speak in hushed voices. When we sat down, some even took out their cellphones and started taking pictures, trying to do it discreetly.

"Do they not have enough consideration to allow us to eat our breakfast in peace?" I hissed at Louis, and he laughed.

"They're starstruck," he smiled. "I hate to say it, but they love us."

"Correction - they love me." Harry joked.

"Oh, please, Haz," Louis taunted him. "I'm the lovable goofy guy. You - you're just good-looking."

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