twenty three.

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Harry and I sat in a room full of harsh cameras, camera and makeup crews bustling about the small hotel conference room. Harry held my hand tightly, and I was grateful for any slight pain relieving the distraction of what we were about to do.

A writer from inTouch magazine sat in front of us, an interviewer for our special two-page spread and online video. Simon had set this up as a kind of introduction interview, where I would introduce myself to the world and start my image as an independent businesswoman. It was definitely brave, and I wasn't sure I could do it - if it wasn't for Harry.

He looked impeccable, dressed fashionably in a Givenchy suit and his hair effortlessly tossed back. I was put in a Chanel two-piece business suit, the expensive material slightly uncomfortable as I sat with one leg crossed over the other. Apparently I was going to have to start wearing business suits and dress smarter to keep up my appearance. I had only been in Philadelphia since last night when Harry and I drove in, and it's been héll ever since. I knew it would be hard to be in the public eye, but I had no idea the effort it took to get prepared to have a unified front as a couple.

I knew I was probably going to have to get some advice, and my stomach turned as I realized the only person who had to put this much effort into her relationship with Harry was Taylor.

"Babe? What is it?" Harry whispered.

"Nothing. Just thinking." I smiled reassuringly and pat his knee.

"We're ready to start." The interviewer remarked, and our eyes darted to him. I gave him a nod.

"My name is Gavin Timmins, from inTouch Magazine and inTouch online. Welcome, Harry and Violet."

"Hello, Gavin." I greeted him warmly and Harry gave him a wide grin. I held Harry's hand as his other one was around my shoulder, giving off perfect couple vibes.

"We're here to talk about you two, so let's get down to business." Gavin looked down at his cue card. I tilted my head to the side and tried to look as open-minded as possible.

"Violet, how was your childhood?" Gavin asked, and my stomach turned at the memory of my father. Harry squeezed my hand and I looked at him, my eyes watering.

"My father died when I was twelve and my mother basically raised me my whole life." I said, allowing a couple tears to sting my cheeks. "I didn't really have a good man in my life until Harry."

Harry smiled at me, his eyes brimming with worry.

"Have you gotten the chance to attend university?" Gavin asked, and my attention turned back to the matter at hand.

"No, I never did. I was accepted to Western for communications, but the chance for a job arrived sooner." I hesitated and realized I'd brought up the job before Gavin could. Maybe it was good that I showed the public I was truthful and not willing to hide anything.

"Did your affair occur before you got hired?"

"It's not an affair." Harry interjected politely. "It's a relationship."

"Touché." Gavin agreed, and waited patiently for our answer.

"We fell in love after she got hired." Harry said. "I couldn't help it. She was so strong, independent, and caring. We make each other better people."

I smiled at his words. "And trust me Gavin, the minute we became romantically involved I terminated my contract with Modest! Management. I no longer work for them. That would be a conflict of interest."

"Were you two involved when Taylor and Harry's club picture came out?"

The question hit me unexpectedly and I grimaced from the emotional impact.

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