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I sighed as I zipped up my pants.  "Mary, you need to go."

"It's Maddy." She huffed, pulling down her dress.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, uninterested in what she had to say. "I have a show."

"Oo, a show!" She said excitedly and I internally groaned. I knew she was just another groupie. "Can I come?"

"Absolutely not." I pushed her out of my hotel door.

She turned around, hands resting on the hips of her slender frame. "You know, one day, you're going to actually meet someone you like and you're going to lose them because you're such an arrogant prick."

"I'm actually a nice person." I said sarcastically, immediately putting up all of my emotional walls. I slammed the door in her face and groaned out loud.

What the hell did she know?


"Vi!" My mother called. "Violet! Time to go!"

I took one more look in the mirror. My loosely blow-dried hair fell softly on my shoulders, complimenting the slim floral dress I chose for the occasion. My 5"3 figure was a little short for my age; 18-year-olds were usually a couple inches taller. It was ok, though - where I was going, it was dark and it didn't matter.

"Coming, mom!" I called as I raced down the stairs. On my way out the door, I grabbed the tickets, almost dropping them as I slid a little. I steadied myself as I checked to make sure they were correct.

My eyes confirmed my thoughts; two tickets for One Direction in Toronto. I couldn't wait.

The crowds were so thick, I felt like I was in a can of sardines. I broke through the crowds as I found an empty space to wait in line. My emotions overcame me as I handed my ticket to the usher. I was finally here.

I thanked the man and followed the herd of directioners to my gate entrance. Checking to make sure I was at the right doorway, I shuffled up the slight slope and with a short huff, stepped into the arena.

The show was over before I knew it. The stampede was enormous, so I decided to wait until the crowds thinned. I must have fallen asleep, because I found myself being woken by a familiar voice.

"Hun, are you ok?" My eyes darted around before settling on a fuzzy figure. I moved to get up as my eyes adjusted. I felt myself being helped up gently. I looked at the man coming to my aid. I was able to see him better. My eyes took in a slim build, dark clothing, fashionable shoes, tattoos, and...curly hair? I blinked.


He smirked. "That's me."

"Wuh, why..." I stammered. Harry fúcking Styles. In the flesh. My mind was incapable of forming sentences, and my skin was numb from the experience.

"Shhh.." Harry said, chuckling. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we started walking towards the stairs.

"I left my beanie on the stage," he said gesturing towards a limp black hat he held in his hand. "Then I saw you. All of the security guards are outside dealing with the fans." He chuckled lightly to himself.

"Wuh...where are we going?" I said. "You're Harry Styles. You're Harry Styles. Like of One Direction."

I sounded like a babbling idiot, and Harry seemed to enjoy my foolishness. He leaned down and his husky voice whispered in my ear. "It's a surprise."

Liberate • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now