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"What the fùck Harry?" I whispered, climbing off his lap and crossing my arms. "What is she doing here?"

"I don't know! I don't want her here any more than you do!" Harry whispered back, crossing the room and peeking through the peephole. A loud flush comes from the bathroom and Louis came out, wiping his hands on his pants being and completely oblivious to the situation.

"What's going on?" He asked with a quizzical look on his face.

"Fùcking Taylor is here, that's what's going on." Harry spat and put a finger to his lips as he opened the door.

"Harry, what are you - "

I was interrupted as the tall blonde woman barged into the room.

"Oh well, isn't that just amazing? There's a whole party of people here!" Taylor exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips.

"Taylor. What do you want?" Louis asked, sizing her up as well as he could being two inches shorter than her.

"Do you really need to be here for this?" She asked Louis. Suddenly, she seemed to remember that I was in the room and turned to me. "And who are you?"

"She's our social media manager." Harry said from behind Taylor. My stomach dropped and I stared daggers into him, tears stinging my eyes as he looked away from me and focused on Taylor. I thought he'd want to tell her, to rub it in her face that he wasn't who he used to be anymore.

"Then she should be here. But Louis, please leave."

"No. Fùcking make me, I dare you." Louis winks at me and frowns at her.

Taylor turned her nose up and nods. "Fine. Harry, we need to talk. Those photos, who did you give them to?"

Harry's face paled and he glanced worriedly at me.

"Harry, what fùcking pictures?" I asked angrily. My heart raced and I could feel myself getting lightheaded. Damn that Taylor if she was going to make me pass out again.

"Vi, I promise I - "

"Vi?" Taylor asked with accusation in her voice. "Since when are you this comfortable with your manager?"

"I'm not, I - "

"I'm sorry, I need to sit." I put my hand to my head and stumbled back, flopping onto the bed. I was thankful I just saved myself from blacking out once again.

"Babe, oh my god, are you okay?" Harry ran over to the bed and took me in his arms, kissing my forehead. "I'm so sorry babe. Please be okay."

"I'm fine, Harry." I was still mad at him but nevertheless I relaxed into his hold.

"What the héll is going on here?" Taylor asked. Louis filled her in as Harry held me.

"You're saying he's dating that small chubby girl?" Taylor laughed hysterically.

"Hey," Harry climbed off the bed and I followed close behind him. "Don't call her chubby. At least she has curves."

"Calm down, Harry. I just came here to tell you those photos are going to leak any minute now, not to intervene on some sugar daddy shít."

"Oh come on, Taylor. She's two years younger. That's it." Harry said angrily. "And for your information, I didn't give anyone those photos. Are you sure you didn't do it for the attention? Or maybe because you miss me?"

"No, you have to be joking me." Taylor started to walk to the door. "I'm the one that broke it off with you, remember? At least I'm actually over it. By leaking the pictures, you just confirmed you're not. Have a good tour."

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