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The petals led a couple doors down to Harry's room, stopping just outside and forming an arrow pointing towards the door. I sighed and opened the door.

At first, I saw no one. Then I heard a voice. "Over here baby." I walk through into the bedroom, following his voice.

Harry stood at the foot of the bed, a piece of paper in his hand and a heart of roses on the bed. Jesus, that was cheesy.

"When I first met you," Harry started reading from the crumpled piece of paper. His voice shook. "I hated you. We both know that."

I tried not to smile as he released an awkward giggle. "But I was dealing with a lot of shít. I was dealing with Taylor, and Caroline, and all the girls. I didn't want another girl to enter my life. I thought it would be too complicated. But then Niall asked you to stick around, and I didn't want to like you. I figured you were going to annoy me and I would just have to find a way to get you fired. After I found you asleep that first show, I just figured you were a groupie. But you weren't anything like that. After the Liam situation and our football session, I knew you weren't like any other girl. I liked you and I hated it. Anyways, a couple days into it, after you had the encounter with that pig, I felt a rage. I was angry at that guy for hurting you, but I was also angry at myself for feeling protective of you. I was angry that I let myself get so deep with you and so I called Taylor. She happened to be in the city that night after the show; I knew you would be working late again. I took her to the only club I knew in East Rutherford and we danced. That's when those pictures were taken. As soon as it happened, I knew it was wrong. I left her alone to pick you up because I did not want you walking home by yourself again. Once I saw you coming out of the arena, I knew that I had made the right choice by leaving. I swear to God, I had no idea there was a paparazzi there and I have no idea they took a picture. I know that's not an excuse and I should have told you, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that. I really am. I hope you forgive me because I love you, baby That's all that matters."

His words left me in awe. He did move me with those words I have to admit. My love for him was too big to lose it over a small picture. I know Harry's not perfect. I wasn't either. It seemed weak for me to admit it but I needed to be back with him. Especially how it was with my condition, I couldn't afford to lose the only person other than Niall who's been there for me the whole time.

"I love you." I said, and I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. "It's going to be weird for a couple days, but I'll get over it."

I crossed the floor and took his cheek in my palm. "I mean - it's us, Harry. I can't leave this. Not now."

"Thank you," Harry sighed.

"But no bullshit from now on out. We will both mess up, but I need 100% honesty. No exceptions." I said, and Harry nodded.

"Okay, baby. I'm sorry." Harry tilted my chin up and kissed me with hunger. I kissed him back with even more need, my yearning for him becoming evident with every passing second.

"We need to stop." I pushed him away.

"I said I was sorry," he said.

"I know, I need to deal with this picture." I laughed, crossing into the family room. I opened up my Macbook and sigh as I open Twitter. The social media world exploded, and the only thing I could do was get the boys to do something.

"Harry, get in here!" I called, and he entered almost instantly.

"What is it?" He asked, sheepishly sitting in the chair across from me, and shaking out his hair the way I loved.

"You need to release a statement." I said to him, and his eyes widened. "I know what you're thinking, but you need to tell your fans its not what they think."

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