twenty eight.

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My mind was blank. Completely blank. I couldn't believe I couldn't come up with an excuse.

And so I told him the truth. "I was with Niall."

Harry's face relaxed and his eyes cleared. I became confused at his relieved composure. Why was he happier that I told him this?

"I know." He said to my surprise. I felt nervous butterflies in my gut.

"Oh. How?" I said simply. I was so confused that I couldn't put together an intelligent sentence.

"Louis told me when I came back from the gym. He saw you two leave." Harry gave me a small smile and got up from the foot of the bed. He crossed the room and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

Harry saw my perplexed reaction and gave a low chuckle. "You're confused about why I'm not upset."

"Kind of. I mean yeah." I admitted.

"Jackie saw me completely mad when Louis told me and she explained everything."

"She did?" I asked. Oh no, I hope she didn't tell him everything.

"Yes, of course. I mean, it's good. His image should be improved."

"What?" I asked the question for the purpose of clarity. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

"You're working to improve his image. His media page, fashion, and attitude, right?" Harry asked, furrowing his brow. "Or did I get that wrong?"

"No, that seems about right." I thought quickly, and was relieved that Jackie had come up with such an elaborate excuse as to why we were meeting. I just wish she'd run it by me after so I didn't look like a fool.

"I'm glad you find him in need of improvement." Harry laughed awkwardly. "It gives me a little reassurance that you know I'm better than him."

"Oh hush up." I managed a giggle and a playful punch on his shoulder to try and play along. "You know you're the best."

"Right back at you, babe." Harry said, and bent his head down to kiss me sweetly. I felt the fire between us rekindle as he pulled me in closer.

"We haven't had séx in like two days." I whined, pushing my clothed crotch forward to meet his.

"I think you're a little bit of an addict." Harry chuckled, but he obviously took the situation pretty seriously, as soon he was picking me up and carrying me towards the bed.

Harry's eyes trailed down my body, taking in my tight work dress and platform heels.

"A little flashy. But I love it." His eyes became hungry and a low growl resonated in his throat as he attached his mouth to my neck. Within seconds, my panties were soaked and I was panting in anticipation.

"I want you so bad." I moaned as Harry finished the lovebite and left a trail of kisses down my neck.

"Say it." Harry looked up expectantly at me, eyes aglow.

"Mr. Styles."

"That's what I wanted to hear baby." Harry flipped me over and unzipped my dress, stradling my behind and pushing my face into the pillows. As he rid me of the fabric, I felt his lips down my spine and around to my belly as he turned me over once more.

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