twenty six.

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"I really like Nashville. I don't want to leave." Harry whined, and I rolled my eyes from the bathroom.

"You're so funny." I laughed. "You have the morning tomorrow."

"Yeah but then we fly out and have a show the next day. I hate this."

"That's what happens when you're spoiled and have two days off." I joked, and Harry flopped back on the bed dramatically.

"Where are you going anyway?" He asked, talking to the ceiling.

"Dinner with Jackie." I replied nervously. Jackie was aware of my situation with Niall, so she agreed to be my cover for the night.

"Why do you look like that?" He asked inquisitively. I looked down at the sleek red asymmetrical dress I wore, its off the shoulder sleeve complimenting my long silver earrings.

Because this outfit is for a fancy mandatory date with Niall, your enemy.

I had talked on the phone with Niall, and I tried to lace my polite speech with dislike so he got the message. However he hadn't complied with my offer to put this all behind us and instead is making me go to a fancy restaurant with him. He did, however, allow us to drop the four sessions to three. In his words, he believed I would "fall in love with him in a short amount of time".

"It's a fancy restaurant. We wanted to spoil ourselves and talk about you guys." I laughed, trying to disguise my lie. Harry didn't say anything, which I took as a sign that he believed me.

I straightened my hair and applied a soft smokey eye, finishing my lips off with a burgundy red lipstick. Grabbing my clutch, I walked out of the hotel bathroom and did a small twirl for Harry.

"How do I look?" I cocked an eyebrow and he smiled hungrily, crossing the floor. Tilting my head to the side and exposing my neck, he sucked at the flesh and left another hickey among the dozen fading ones.


"Just so they know you're mine." He whispered in my ear. "Because looking like that, you're definitely going to get attention, baby."

I blushed, but I wasn't sure whether it was out of embarrassment or guilt.

I kissed Harry goodbye and walked out of our hotel room. Following the dark plum carpet, I knocked on Niall's door.

He opened it instantly. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, his hair up in a quiff. He had paired his outfit with steel grey glasses, and it made him look smart and rich.

"Violet. You look gorgeous." Niall breathed. A quiet female voice sounded from behind him, and I tried to look past him. Niall saw my reaction and quickly shut the hotel door.

"Can't I come in?" I asked, confused.

"No, sorry. I have some stuff in there." He said, and I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. It didn't matter, anyways. I knew I heard someone talking, but I couldn't care less.

Niall's eyes trailed down to my neck and I reacted quickly, covering it with my hair.

"Looks like somebody doesn't want anyone to think you're available." Niall said glumly. "Does he know you're with me?"

Liberate • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now