twenty seven.

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I waited impatiently backstage as 5 Seconds of Summer filed off the stage, adrenaline pumping and eyes aglow with excitement. My stomach was in knots; I was avoiding seeing Harry so I wouldn't have to talk to him about the newspaper. But I knew that soon enough I would have to, and I had a lie already set up.

As soon as my thoughts had switched to something else, I felt a strong pair of arms encircle me in a hug.

"Hey, sexy. What a fúcking amazing skirt." Harry whispered in my ear, his voice raspy and full of lust. "It makes me want to take you in the bathroom right now."

An imaginary lightbulb lit up above my head and I smiled to myself. Making love to Harry before I told him would probably decrease any chances of getting his suspicions raised.

Or you're just incredibly horny for some reason. My subconscious shot back at me, and I ignored her. I turned around and kissed him, reaching down and cupping his crotch.

"Then take me." I whispered in his ear, and Harry's eyes grew wide.

"Really?" He seemed surprised that I would agree to this in public. Usually I'm a big germaphobe and have problems with public séx.

"We haven't in so long." I whined, winking.

"If you call this morning a long time, then yes. It's been long." Harry laughed, and looked around before dragging me down the hall. I pushed him into the private bathroom, immediately latching my lips onto his.

You're a terrible person. I thought to myself, but instead chose to ignore all the signs that told me not to do it.

And so I dropped to my knees, unzipping Harry's pants and pushing them to his knees along with his boxers. I took his semi-hard cøck in my hands, pumping it quickly. My eyes shot up to Harry, who was biting his lip and knitting his eyebrows together in pleasure.

"Mr. Styles, do you want me to put my lips on you?" I gave him an innocent smile.

"Fúck." He moaned and guided my head towards the tip of his cøck. "Let me feel the inside of your mouth, baby."

I complied and took all of him, hollowing my cheeks and sucking as hard as I could. Harry grunted in response and put his hand on the back of my head. He started to roll his hips forward, fūcking my mouth.

Fifteen minutes to call time.

I heard my headset and broke away quickly, looking up at Harry.

"We only have fifteen minutes." I whispered seductively, standing up and kissing him. I pushed my tongue deep into his mouth, deepening the action before pulling away. "So I want you to fūck me. Quick and hard."

"How hard, baby?" Harry's eyes were dark and filled with desire as he pinned me against the wall, our bodies pressing against each other.

"Hard enough to make me limp again." I drawled; it was enough to make Harry growl. Pulling down his pants to his mid-thighs, he hiked my skirt up so it bunched around my waist. He grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. As I wrapped my legs around his waist, I felt him thrust up into me. The force made me knock my head against the wall; the forces that followed made my whole body jolt.

You're using him. My subconscious kicked into overdrive and I dismissed the thoughts. I only focused on the feeling of skin on skin and the electricity from our connection.

Liberate • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now