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The show that night in East Rutherford was amazing. Harry was so into the performance that he was only able to look over at me a couple times, each time to wink or playfully smile. I had been busy after breakfast, taking pictures of Niall and Louis shopping at a mall, followed by security of course. I had the idea that they could shop as a publicity stunt and it worked. It made them look more interested in smaller stops like this one and made them look more intimate with their fans.

I only got to see Harry in makeup before the show, and could barely speak to him. The artists were all over him, and he barely saw me before I had to start promoting the show on social networks.

After the show the band packed up and I was in my makeshift office, a room that looked like it used to be a janitor's closet. I was on Twitter and Facebook, thanking the fans for showing up and being a great audience. I had talked with Jackie beforehand and it seemed like the boys liked to control their own accounts - with revision from me of course. My main job was to control the main accounts and keep track of trending topics and discussions regarding the band.

I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!"

Liam shuffled in and sheepishly closed it behind him. "I've been delaying this and I think we need to talk."

"Have a seat," I gestured to the cold metal chair in front of me and he sat down, looking at his feet as I continued to talk. "Before we start I want you to know that I've talked to Jackie and I am interested in keeping a professional relationship. I like to try and keep my work and private life separate."

I gulped, knowing that last statement was hypocritical of me with my situation.

"Of course." Liam nodded. "Jackie and I...we are more than just fooling around. I know Sophia would be devastated but that's why I can't tell her. I don't know what to say, I love them both but in different ways. Sophia's more like a close friend and Jackie is more passionate. I don't want to hurt either of them."

"I don't know what to do," he continued, sighing and looking up at me. "Is it too much to ask for your advice?"

"Liam," I said, sighing as well. "I don't know what makes you think that I am okay with you cheating on Sophia. For one thing, it's bad for your image, your reputation, and your future. On the other hand, it's morally wrong. I don't care that you think that it will hurt her; I promise you it will hurt her more when you tell her after a long time."

He nodded his head quickly and gulped. "I was afraid you'd say that. I didn't want you to confirm what I already knew I had to do."

"Liam, what is it with Jackie? Why did Harry call her a slut?" I asked him. The issue had been bothering me for a while and I needed to call attention to it.

"She's been around," Liam said. "She used to fúck her way - I guess you could say it - to the top. She was known in the publicity business as a slut. But when she got recruited by her company for this job, she met me. I think I've changed her."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Liam, you can't change someone who's been like that for so long."

His eyes went dark. "What the fúck do you know, you've only just gotten here."

"You shouldn't speak to me that way," I stated boldly. My insides were churning and I was still terrified of him but surprisingly I was able to hold my own. "And why does Harry have such a problem with you cheating on Sophia - other than obvious reasons, of course."

Liam looked away from me and fixed his gaze on the wall. I could tell he was debating over whether or not to tell me.

"Liam, I am a witness to this affair and I have the right to know what is going on."

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