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The Foxborough show the next day was amazing, the boys performing at their usual amazing level of energy. I went straight to my room and slept soundly in Harry's arms last night. He let me tell the others about my condition and they were all really supportive. Niall even admitted he didn't see me as a social media manager - more like family. I couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten in this past week to have such a blessed life.

After the show, I went to Jackie's office to thank her for the work she'd done for me. I knocked lightly and was a bit shocked when someone other than Jackie opened the door.

"Hello, you must be Violet." Sophia Smith stood in front of me, a warm smile taking over her face. I gulped - she looked like a goddess, her brown curls swept to the side. She wore a perfect smoky eye, complimenting her indigo dress.

"Yes, that's me. I know who you are." I said awkwardly. I went to shake her hand but she pulled me in for a hug. I got a whiff of her vanilla perfume as she drew back and motioned for me to sit in front of Jackie's desk with her.

"Why are you here, may I ask?" I aimed the question at Sophia, but shot a look at Jackie, whose cheeks turned red.

"Oh, Jackie just wanted to call me in and talk to me about keeping up appearances with Li. I believe she was just about to call you in, you're an integral part of this as well." She laughed and Jackie cleared her throat.

"Yes of course. Now I wanted to talk to you about your relationship. I know you like to keep it private and that is what we must discuss with Ms. Joyce." Jackie said, and I tried to get past the weirdness of having both of Liam's lovers in the same room.

"I do intend on keeping everything we do to ourselves unless we choose to tell the public something." Sophia turned to me and gave me a small smile. "I don't know how impossible that is, but I'd like to achieve it."

"Of course," I said. "It's a good choice keeping your social media profiles private, but I want you to encourage Liam to post pictures of you two often so that you actually confirm you're still dating. The fans will make stuff up if they don't have pictures, I promise you."

"That will be no problem," Sophia smiled. "I think he likes doting on me."

She blushed and I looked at Jackie again, who looked as guilty as a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Alright, then that's all we need, correct?" I asked Jackie, who nodded. "Okay, then if you'll just stay here for a second I'll be right back."

I glared at Jackie, hoping she would get my message that I wanted her to stay there. I ran down the hallway to the boys' dressing room and burst in. Conveniently, Liam sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"You." I raised my voice and his head snapped up.

"What?" He looked confused as I motioned for him to get up.

"You didn't tell Sophia about you and Jackie?" I asked him, anger clear in my voice.

"Um, not yet." He said, standing close to me and looking down at the floor. "I was going to, it's just - she's so nice..."

"You're doing it now." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door.

"What do you mean, now?" He asked as I stomped down the hallway with him in tow.

"She's in Jackie's office, talking about how your relationship is so amazing that she doesn't want the public to know the extent of your love," I said, turning around to look at him as we stood outside her door. "You go in there, and tell Sophia about you and Jackie. And don't have Jackie in there, that's embarrassing and I won't stand for it."

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