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I woke up to Harry stirring underneath me. I had fallen asleep on top of him, our legs untangled in the sheets of the hotel's queen bed. I looked over to the side table. The clock read 5:45, and the events of last night sprung to mind. He had promised Paul he would be downstairs in the gym for a session with the personal trainer at six.

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you." He slid out from underneath me and shuffled across the room. I didn't realize he had moved his bags into my room until he reached into his suitcase to pull out his gym shorts and a shirt.

"It's okay." I smiled and got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He asked me quizzically.

"I'm coming with you." I stated plainly, pulling my hair into a high pony. It's not like I wanted to keep tabs on him or anything, but I didn't want him to receive another call without me knowing about it. It was incredibly nosy, but I had a feeling it was about me, so I needed to know.

"I don't understand you," he laughed behind me.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed in the bathroom. I applied a couple swipes of mascara and checked my reflection. When I came out he was sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"This is so sudden," he said, laughing and handing me a water bottle.

"Why did you get this water bottle? Is it from the mini-fridge? They're so expensive!" I decided to focus on this issue and not the fact that I was going to the gym as a double agent, spying on Harry's calls.

"What? It's fine, Jesus." Harry laughed. "Money is not really an issue for me right now."

I nodded and gulped down a sip of water as we reached the elevator. We rode the 20 floor-down trip to the gym in silence. I was a bit uncomfortable but I knew Harry's mind was elsewhere.

"Are you going to start with cardio or muscle work?" He asked me when we entered the gym. I smiled and pointed to the treadmill.

"I have my personal trainer coming, but I'm sure she'll be happy to help us both."

"She?" I asked.

"Yes, you won't have a problem with that, will you?" He asked, his eyes dancing with amusement.


"Good." Harry leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Harry?" I turned to find the voice belonging to a petite woman walking our way. She looked nothing like I thought a personal trainer would look like. Her light blond hair was straight and pulled into a high pony, her slim body dressed in neon green Nike workout clothing. Her face, spotless and makeup-free, lit up in a big smile when Harry walked over to give her a hug. I felt a pang of jealousy but pushed it away, Harry didn't feel that way about her and he wasn't even technically dating me. I had no idea what his feelings were towards me, exactly. He was still an a sshole to me sometimes and I could never put my finger on his true emotions.

"My name is Kelly," the woman extended her hand to me and I shook it, forgetting my hand was clammy from the cold water bottle. She discreetly wiped it on her leg and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you two doing a couple's workout?" She asked us, looking me up and down. Yes, I get it, I could use a few more hours in the gym.

"Well, we're not a couple." Harry said quickly. "But yes, we will be working out together."

I shot him a look and he stared at his feet.

"Okay..." Kelly clapped her hands together. "Let's get started."

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