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I awoke in Niall's arms, immediately guilty of last night's actions. I hadn't slept with him, but I had ignored all of Harry's calls and texts. My stirring woke Niall. His beautiful blue eyes looked down at me, giving me a small smile.

"Hello, beautiful." He said, and I cringed.

"Niall, we can't keep doing this. If Harry found out - "

"Calm down. He won't." Niall assured me as I scrambled out of bed. "But you can't deny where things are going."

"What do you mean, where things are going?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You're obviously attracted to me, Vi. And I'm really attracted to you as well." Niall gave me a smirk and I put my fingers to my temples, rubbing them to relieve stress.

"I can't do this right now. I'm having enough trouble controlling one member of one direction." I sighed.

"Just think about it. You and me would make beautiful blonde babies." Niall smiled and climbed out of bed, crossing the room to where I was standing. He went to hug me, but I backed away in shock.

"I'm still recovering from your stupid joke. Don't touch me." I exclaimed, putting my hands up as a wall.

Niall looked at me seriously. "It's not a joke, Violet. I'm in love with you. Why else do you think I made Simon hire you?"

"You made him?" I raised my voice. "I can't believe you had me thinking I actually got this on my own. And now you tell me this? What do you expect me to do, run into your arms and tell you I feel the same?"

"You have to stop hiding, Violet. I know you want to be with me. I thought the way Harry acted in the beginning and then Louis telling you about his past would turn you off. But you fell for him and he broke his icy exterior for once. You should have run to me!" Niall shouted, and I became fearful of his potential actions.

"This was planned?" My eyes widened and I laughed in utter despair. "I completely misjudged you. You think just because you're famous and you're part of the band, I'd have to fall for you!"

"That's not true."

I gave him a long look. "Funny thing is, if you had been genuine from the start and asked me on a real date, maybe it would be you instead of Harry. You've both lied to me, but fúck, Niall. At least he's trying to be better."

"Yeah, sure. Believe him." Niall ran his hand through his hair. "But I'll always be the one you should be with. You'll figure out what his true intentions are and I'll be waiting."

I huffed in frustration, slightly confused at his choice of words. "Don't get your hopes up."

I stormed out of his hotel room and my feet carried me to Harry's. I don't even get a chance to think his words over because I immediately find Harry on the couch, head in his hand as he slept sitting up.

"Harry." I said quietly. His eyes shot open, and he leapt up from the couch. He walked up to me and took me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." He breathed into my hair. "I shouldn't have gotten angry."

"It's going to happen." I said. "I have to get used to it."

"It shouldn't be that way." Harry said. "You deserve someone better than me."

His words were ironic, considering the option that had been presented to me just a few minutes ago.

"I deserve you." I insisted, and Harry's soft green eyes stared into mine.

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