twenty five.

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The Detroit shows were vivid, colourful and full of life. All because Harry and I were in a good place again.

The first day of our two-day break between Detroit and Nashville, Harry and I lay naked in our hotel bed. Our clothes were strewn haphazardly on the floor, an indicator of our anxiety to get them off as soon as possible. The night before had been sleepless, but in the best way possible.

"Taylor was wrong." I said quietly as Harry ran his fingers up and down my arm. The sun's morning rays peeked through the curtains and provided a comfortable layer of warmth over us.

"What is that baby?" Harry asked quietly, and I tilted my head up his chest to look at him. His body was glistening in the sunlight, his tattoos illuminated magnificently.

"She said I'd have to fake it in bed because you'd be so exhausted keeping up appearances with me in public that you wouldn't be able to...perform." I laughed at the silliness of how it all sounded.

"She said that?" Harry asked, laughing. "Oh dear God I hope you didn't take that to heart."


"You were worried, weren't you?" Harry frowned down at me.

"I wasn't sure what to expect." I admitted.

"You wouldn't ever have to worry about that." Harry said truthfully. "I love you so much and I find you so sexy, baby. Taylor and I were never like that."

"I'm sexy?" I asked, and Harry chuckled deeply.

"Yes, Ms. Joyce. Incredibly so."

"Show me." I pouted and stuck my bottom lip out.

"Say what I want baby, or we won't do anything." Harry raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side, waiting expectantly.

"Mr. Styles." I said seductively. For some reason, Harry got turned on whenever I said that.

"Fúck." He moaned and rolled us over so he was on top. He kissed my neck and started sucking, leaving a lovebite just under my ear. "What do you want me to do, baby?"

"Fúck me." I whispered in his ear, nibbling at it gently.

"I'm going to fúck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week." Harry growled and I dug my nails into his back in response.

Harry brought his lips to mine and his tongue asked for entrance, but I kept my lips sealed. He growled frustratingly into the kiss and punched the pillow beside me, but I was unrelenting. I was teasing him, and I knew it was killing him.

"Fine." He growled. "You're going to be a bad girl? I'm going to have to punish you."

Harry grabbed me and flipped me over onto the bed. I squealed as he brought my hips up roughly so I was supporting myself with my elbows and knees. I wagged my bum in the air.

"I don't feel anything Mr. Styles."

The statement provoked him to bring his hand down on my bum, the cold metal from his rings causing a sting.

"How about now?" I heard him say behind me, and I winced as he spanked me again. He delivered a couple more blows, having me biting down on my hand in pain.

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