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"I'm excited for you, honey." My mother sat across from me at the dinner plate, ignoring the remainder of her meal.

It was the night after I got home. My bags were packed and my phone was off. I was giving Harry radio silence - I wanted him to be surprised because I had made the decision to fly to England two days earlier than he expected.

"I think that this is really good." I say in reference to the trip. "I love him, mom."

"I can see that." My mom's eyes sparkle. "I was exactly like you when I first met your dad. That first love is amazing, Vi. Cherish it."

I grinned impossibly wide. "I intend to."

The next morning, I woke before my alarm. It was an amazing feat, because it was four in the morning and I almost never woke up naturally before eleven. I quickly took a shower and changed into sweats, putting my hair up in a bun and putting my glasses. I had no obligation to look professional; it was my first time looking sloppy since getting hired.

Brisk winds delayed my plane for an hour or so, but I was finally able to touch down in England around dinner time. Starved, I ate a burger from the small airport restaurant and stood in line for my rental car.

I was exhausted, mentally and physically. But in the hour that it took to get my car, I was bubbling with joy. He was my source of happiness, and my cup of need would be filled very soon.

I drove the small Audi down the scenic roads of the English countryside, the sun setting and James Bay playing softly from the aux cord. The drive was long, but I was comfortable and expectant, excited to surprise Harry.

Around nine at night, I finally pulled up in front of the cottage. The house was built in front of a large pond, the front cobbled with large rocks. The porch was clean white wood with the driveway a pathway of small beige stones. I tried to make as little noise as possible as I walked up the lot to the front door, deciding to leave my suitcase in the car for now.

Harry had told me there was a key to the door under a small plant beside the entrance, and it took no time at all for me to locate it and softly open the door. I stepped inside to a large foyer, a stoned archway above me and a grand staircase to my left. From down the hall came sounds of a television, and so naturally I followed them to the front room.

"Harry?" I called as I entered the large den. My eyes adjusted to the dark room before quickly settling on his lying figure on the coach. Except he wasn't lying on his back, like you'd expect someone who was relaxing to.

He was lying on his front.

On someone.

My heart stopped momentarily. Blood rushed in my ears and my stomach dropped as a blonde head poked out from under his moving body. The next few seconds left me to take in how Harry was not clothed, and the woman under him was not either. My hand flew to my mouth as I burst into tears. I recognized the face. "Taylor?"

Taylor's eyes darted up to Harry's, who was quickly moving off her. His frantic eyes connected with mine as he covered himself with a small blanket. His mouth was open, and I could see he was struggling to find the right words.

I could understand him from that angle, at least.

"What the fūck, Harry?" I screamed. "I'm so fūcking confused. You invite me to come up to a cottage to spend some time with you, finally after all our interruptions and problems. You've been with me through so much that I've always wondered how you could stay. Now I now why. You've kept yourself busy fūcking your little mistress!"

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