thirty four.

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Harry fumbled for his cell phone, fishing it out of his pocket, grimy hands unlocking the phone and tapping Violet's contact. Bringing the phone to his ear, Harry reached into his pocket for his car keys before realizing he left both the keys and the car back at the pub. The phone, ringing twice before going to voicemail, left him swearing and remembering Violet didn't want anything to do with him. She was good now; she didn't need him meddling in her affairs and confusing her healing character. For a slight moment, Harry thought about abandoning all attempts to try and salvage what was left of his relationship with Violet and leave well enough alone. But following the fleeting moment came the realization and gravity of Harry needing Violet back in his life, to resurrect him from his demons, return his feelings of love, and finally settle down and be happy.

An overwhelming sense of false sobriety overcame Harry as his brain registered the importance of returning to the axis that his world revolved around. His fingers began dialing a different number. His feet made little noise on the sidewalk as he walked down the dimly lit concrete, the sun rising to his left and small rays of sunshine beginning to illuminate the new day.

"Hello?" The hoarse voice of Louis was heard on the other end of the line and Harry breathed a sigh of relief that someone still cared enough about him to answer him when he called.

"Hey, Louis. It's Harry."

"Are you drunk again?" Louis exhaled loudly. "I'm not coming to get you again, mate. I don't care how long it takes you to walk home. I live in a different city for God's sake."

"No, Louis. Don't hang up." Harry was quick to try and resurrect the situation. "That's actually the point. I'm in your city."

"What do you mean? You're in London?"

"Yeah, I am mate; I'm actually sobering. Everything's so clear now." Harry smiled inwardly.

Louis was silent for a second. "What do you mean? You're talking some straight shīt right now, mate."

"Just come get me. I'll explain everything to you when you see me." Harry gave Louis an address and waited until the blue Mercedes pulled up the curb. Louis' smiling face appeared in the passenger side window, his eyes covered in dark sunglasses. Harry rubbed his hands together and opened the car door, slipping into the vehicle. He began to give Louis the Cole's Notes version of the long-winded Niall and Taylor story.

"That seems like a bad criminal movie," Louis remarked, just having heard Harry's rendition of his experience and his history with Violet.

"Yeah, no kidding." Harry blew air strongly out of his lips, his fingers drumming against the window. "It took me too long to realize I need her, Louis. It's been two weeks. I really hope I haven't blown it this time."

Louis gave Harry a worried side glance. "Umm, Harry? Have you seen Vi recently?"

"Just on the telly. Why?"

"She's not right, Harry. I just saw her yesterday for a press meeting with the rest of our publicity team."

Harry's eyes widened and his jaw hardened. "What do you mean by 'not right?'"

"I mean, she's absent. Simon's making her continue with the company as publicity behind the scenes, and even take head start her cosmetic business. She's taken on so much, and yet she still doesn't have that spark in her. It may be more than you think it is."

"It could be us." Harry said plainly, but Louis shook his head.

"No, Harry. She refuses to talk about you and she gets angry when your name is brought up. But her current stature, this is something different."

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