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When we entered the room, the rest of the boys were engaged in a heated conversation.

"-we don't even know if she's in a relationship!" Louis had just finished saying.

"But-" Niall protested.

"Shh!" Zayn said, who had seen us enter. Niall rested back on the couch in a huff.

"Let's go," Harry growled. The boys got up to leave, but not before I could see Liam and Louis exchange a look.

We all followed Harry into the hallway and toward a big black door at the end of the corridor. I was behind Zayn, and when we got to the door, he turned around.

"Hold on tight," he whispered.

I was confused, but kept going. We filed through the door and into what seemed like a sea of people. The noise was so loud, and I got blinded by the flashing lights of cameras. I could understand now why Zayn had told me to hold on. The fans were closing in on us, and if I hadn't grabbed the back of Zayn's shirt in the nick of time, I would have been swept away. I kept my head down, and huddled close to Zayn's back. Thousands of questions were being shot at us from all angles.

"Who is the girl, Zayn?"

"Is this your lover?"

"Are you cheating on Perrie?"

"What do the other boys think?"

We finally reached the van, and we all piled in as Paul, who appeared out of nowhere, closed the door behind us.

Louis had taken the driver's seat and off we went, escaping the mad chaos of the fans outside. I was in a state of panic, shuddering and shaking.

"Are you ok?" Niall asked in a shaky voice.

I looked up at him. His face was a mask of worry, his perfect brow furrowed. I shook my head, and he wrapped both arms around me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Harry scowling at us. I turned my face away, nuzzling into Niall's broad chest.


I woke up to Niall's voice. "Vi?"

I opened my eyes, looking up at him. He smiled. "We're here."

I sat up, looking around. The boys were already getting out of the car, and I caught a glimpse of a bright red sign. I followed Zayn out of the car, and a smile spread across my face as I saw where we were. I absolutely loved Olive Garden.

We walked into the restaurant, which was empty. It was 11:00 at night, just when the restaurant was due to close. We sat down at the table farthest in the back. I was sitting in the corner, next to Niall.

A waitress approached our table. She looked to be about 20, with dark brown curls surrounding her slim face. Her olive skin complemented her emerald green eyes and her slim 5"9 body. She was pretty, there was no doubt about it. When she saw who she would be serving, her eyes opened wide.

"Hi, babe," Harry said.

"H-hi," she stammered. "What would you like?"

While Louis started naming off all of his favourites, I was looking at Harry. His eyes were on the waitress' long legs. His gaze flickered over to me and smirked.

"-and that's it for now." Louis finished.

"Alrightee then," she said. "I'll be right back with your order."

She turned to leave, but Harry grabbed her arm.

"Just a question," he said. She turned her head, curious. "What's your name?"

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