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When Harry and I reached the lobby (looking slightly disheveled), I spoke to Jackie. She informed me that it was cheaper to take the tour bus to Washington and more low-key. I had to agree with her, because recently the boys were being photographed with me too much so we had to tune it down a bit.

The crew boarded the first bus, and Paul, Jackie, me, and the boys got into the second one. The coach had a sitting section in the front, which you could walk through into the bunkers. There were six, and each boy claimed one. Jackie got the sixth and Paul took the couch, which left me with no choice but to sleep with Harry.

"We get the top bunk." He winked, and I climbed in after him. The entire bus ride was spent in our bunk, sleeping and making out. The other boys didn't disturb us. They had a regimen they liked to follow which included listening to music and watching movies. It was a fairly short drive, and before I knew it I was kissing Harry awake.

"Babe, we're here."

His eyes fluttered open and smiled, bounding out of the bunk. Almost immediately we were met by the flashing lightbulbs of the paparazzi. It was incredible how fast they found out our location. I stayed behind the boys with Paul and Jackie, trying to just come off as one of the crew. I thought I had made it, but just as I was opening the hotel door, a photographer yelled after me.

"You're Violet, right? Violet Joyce?"

My blood ran cold and I stayed staring at the door, once again feeling like a deer caught in headlights. I felt Harry grab my hand and pull me through the door, pulling me into a hug once we were out of their sight.

"Oh, baby. I'm here. I'm here." He reassured me, kissing the top of my forehead. I tried to ignore the nagging feeling telling me this was only adding to his statement that he constantly needed to protect me. Maybe at this stage of my treatment, he did.

The bellboy showed us to our rooms, giving me a kind smile when I tipped him. I flopped back on the bed, tired from being tired. Story of my life.

"Do you want to go to the pool?" Harry asked from across the room. I sat up and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Since when do you go to the pool?"

"Since now. C'mon, it'll be nice." Harry threw me my bathing suit and slipped on his. "We'll go for a nice swim and then we'll go for dinner. It'll be perfect."

He flashed me a smile and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he could be stupidly romantic.

We took the elevator down to the pool after I put my swim suit on. Against Harry's wishes, I put one of his t-shirts over me, covering my stomach.

"C'mon babe! It's so nice!" Harry shook his hair out, water droplets falling back into the pool. I tried to ignore the other couple in the vicinity. They were definitely staring at us and I was convinced they knew who we were. "You do look really fúcking nice in my clothes, but it's hard because I know how good that body under it looks."

I blushed and crossed my arms over my chest. "My stomach isn't flat."

"Neither are your boobs." Harry winked. He moaned when I rolled my eyes at his response. "Violet Joyce. Get your butt in here now."

He hopped out of the pool, a devilish smile on his face as he chased me around the pool deck. I was squealing in high-pitched laughter, trying to escape his grasp.

"No running!" The lifeguard boomed from the pool office, and we both slowed to a speed walk. Harry took the opportunity when I was caught off-guard to tackle me. He picked me up, and I tried to squirm out of his grasp.

"Not this time." He whispered in my ear, throwing me into the deep end. I screeched as I came up for air, his t-shirt weighing me down. I was forced to shed myself of the heavy cloth.

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