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We burst out the door at the end of the hallway and into the night. I checked my phone - there was only an hour until the opening act went on stage.

"Harry, we don't have time - "

"Shut up Violet." Harry spat. I stayed quiet while he lead me to a black Lexus parked at the curb. We were behind the back part of the auditorium, which was closed off at the end of the alleyway. I could see dozens of fans in an uproar, excited to see a glimpse of Harry.

Harry walked beside me and pulled me into him as we made our way to the car. He didn't want me seen by the girls. Like a gentleman, he opened the door for me and rushed around the front to hop in the driver's seat. He hit the gas and we rolled past the reporters, taking a sharp left. I could hear the engine roar as Harry floored it. I gulped nervously and clutched onto the door handle.

I looked over at Harry - his jaw was clenched and he smirked with insane pleasure.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked bravely.

Harry blinked but kept his eyes on the road. "I don't like seeing people cry."

"Bullshit." I said bluntly. "I'm sorry, but being horrible to me is your forte."

"It doesn't matter," Harry stated. "Liam can't do that shít. He's supposed to be the straight arrow."

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"Nevemind. Just keep quiet until we get there." He snapped. I sighed and texted my mother. I told her about the job and that I was going to be staying at a hotel with the boys. I had a feeling it was going to be a long evening.

We pulled up to an empty soccer field and Harry cut the engine, hastily getting out and retrieving something from the back. I grumbled and opened my own door, shuffling around the back.

"A soccer ball?" I asked him with confusion, watching him bring it to the center of the brightly lit grass.

"When I want to be distracted, I play." Harry said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I walked over to him. "You know I play soccer, right?"

Harry allowed himself to grin at me. "Really?"

"Ya, I play adult's league. Not as good as rep, but we can't afford it," I frowned at the ground. The ball rolled to my feet and I looked up to find Harry patiently waiting for me to do something with it. I smiled and dribbled the ball slowly. All of a sudden, he charged me and I deked him out, kicking the ball hard and scoring a goal. I tugged my shirt collar quickly in triumph and mock-cheered, waving my arms in the air.

"Don't be a sore winner," Harry said playfully. He took the ball from his end and moved across the field. I stood protectively at the goal and blocked the shot he took. I got it right in my stomach and I leaned over, wincing.

"Shít, are you okay, Vi?" He ran over to me and touched my back lightly. I laughed and ran away quickly, retrieving the ball and scoring a goal.

"You don't play fair!" He whined.

"Never let your guard down!" I teased him, and we continued playing. When I realized it was a half an hour until the show, I raised my hand, stopping our scrimmage.

"We should go," I commented.


"Your show." I stated. "You go on in like, half an hour."

Harry's features hardened and he straightened up. Huffing, he retrieved the ball and walked to the car, putting it in the trunk. So much for nice, playful Harry.

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