twenty two.

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Harry's kisses continued down my chest, his mouth kissing down my right breast gently. Latching onto the small mound, he sucked harshly, the tongue inside his mouth circling the top of my nípple. His kisses trail across to the other breast, repeating the same action. Goosebumps raised on my skin, my eyes locked onto Harry and my clít throbbing.

His kisses continued down my abdomen, his tongue swirling around my belly button. Harry's fingers hooked into my pantyline, shedding me of the material as he sucked on a spot just below my belly button. Just as it was getting painful, he stopped sucking and kissed the sensitive spot, blowing cold air on it to relieve the pain.

His hands slowly caressed down the outside of my thighs, moving across the knees and running up the inside of them. He rubbed my clít softly with his thumb. Harry looked up at me and moved his body over mine so he was kissing me and keeping his thumb in place. I moaned into the kiss as his index and middle finger entered me.

He began pumping fast, the simultaneous actions of his fingers bringing me closer and closer to my edge. His mouth found my collar bone, sucking on the tender skin. The mark was kissed softly and lips found mine once again.

"Let go, baby." Harry encouraged. I cried out as my orgásm overtook me, wave after wave of pleasure radiating throughout my body.

Harry wrapped his arms under my back, pulling me close to him and hugging me tightly. He rolled us over so I was laying on top of him. I gathered my breaths to a moderate pace, my hair caressing the sides of his face as I leaned forward and kissed him. My hands trailed down his torso and my lips soon followed, mimicking Harry's loving touches. My lips connected with his collarbone, leaving a similar mark to mine. I traced his abs with my kisses, following his outline down towards his happy trail. His hard member leaned against his stomach, my kisses trailing down the small amount of hair above his cóck and down the hard muscle.

I planted a kiss at the top of his díck and took most of him in my mouth. Our eyes connected as I wrapped my hand around the base, pumping and sucking him. My other hand found his balls and fondled them, making the muscles in his thighs and abdomen contract. His eyes fluttered closed momentarily in a moment of pleasure, and I could tell he was holding back.

"Harry." My mouth came off his cóck quickly so I could say his name, and his eyes shot open. I blinked, looking at him through my lashes. The permission to release sent him over the edge, and I felt hot spurts of come down my throat. I bravely swallowed the load. Harry lay panting in front of me, catching his breath.

He sat up and turned me around, his hands feeling every inch of my body and arousing me quickly. My head fell back on his shoulder as his fingers found my clít, rubbing me softly. He lay me down on my front, supporting himself with his knees on either side of me. I felt his hardness on my aśs and his warm chest on my back.

Harry reached under me and pulled me up into him. At same time, he entered me. I cried out in pleasure and he moaned from the response. His body moved with slow grace as he pulled me close to his body. I propped myself up on my elbows and bent my head back to kiss him.

"Violet," Harry growled. "I love you so much."

"Harry, I love you." It was all I could get out as his body moved slowly, his díck connecting with my G-spót every time.

"Baby. Now." Harry cried out and together we leapt over the edge, our bodies shaking with pleasure.

Harry collapsed on top of me, rolling us over slowly so my head was on his chest. The sheets were mangled in between our intertwined legs, our breathing slowing. I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of his heartbeat, steady and strong from the exertion.

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