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We were kissing deeply against my hotel room door. Just minutes ago, Harry had rushed Louis to take us back to the hotel after our conversation at the bar. It was just after twelve and the boys had a good four hours until sound check. An opportunity worth "filling," according to Harry.

"I want to..." I could barely finish my sentences. My thoughts were jumbled in my head and my incessant need for him was taking over. Although we had a tumultuous relationship, it was passionate.

"What, baby?" Harry growled in my ear and bit it playfully.

"Return the favour," I breathed.

Harry's green eyes snapped to mine. "Are you sure?"

"You don't want me to?"

Harry sucked on my neck. "Believe me, Vi. There has been nothing more I've wanted than to see your lips around me. But I want to make sure you're okay with this."

"I am, just let me do this." I pulled away with him and walked to the bed. I batted my eyelashes. "What do I do?"

"Don't fúcking do that." Harry glared at me lustfully, the bulge in his pants significantly larger. "You're so innocent; I feel like I'm punishing you."

"Teach me, Mr. Styles." I drawled and Harry crossed the floor quickly.

"What has gotten into you?" He asked, undoing his belt. "You're so fúcking kinky. Now kneel."

I followed his commands and came face-to-face with his crotch. He dropped his pants and I automatically reached out to his bulge, rubbing it softly. I looked up at him expectantly to see him biting his lip.

"Oh my god," he breathed out. "Take...take the boxers"

I obeyed and his erect côck came into full view. I had nothing to compare it to, but I couldn't say I was disappointed. I instinctively reached out to the base and grabbed it with my small hand, pumping it softly.

"Jesus Christ," Harry moaned and put his hand in my hair, guiding my head to the top of his díck.

"No teeth, and h...hollow your cheeks." He instructed. I hesitated but then took as much of him into my mouth as I could, resisting against my gag reflex. I bobbed my head up and down and worked the bottom half with my hand.

"Oh my god, don't stop." Harry moaned and shoved my head farther down. My eyes were watering and drool was escaping my mouth, but when I looked up to see his expression it was all worth it. His head was back, his eyes closed in pure ecstasy. He was completely vulnerable, and for the first time in our short relationship I felt like I was in control.

Just as I didn't think I could take anymore, Harry spoke. "I'm going come. If you don't want me to come down your throat you need to get off."

Stubbornly, I stayed put. Soon enough, his díck twitched and hot spurts of come slid down my throat. It was surprisingly salty, but I managed to swallow it all.

Harry was out of breath as he stood and recovered from his high. I got to my feet and he wrapped his arms around me. "Oh my god. Baby, you did amazing."

"Really?" I was relieved he enjoyed it. I wanted to do something for him, to show him that I forgave him for his actions.

"Yeah, you're saying this was your first time?"

"It was." I blushed and Harry kissed me, his tongue enveloping mine softly.

"We still have some time," Harry wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"That is true."

"Go and lie down on the bed." Harry pushed me lightly towards it. "Take your bottoms off and spread your legs."

Liberate • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now