he asks you to dye his hair

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Ashton was getting tired of his appearance and wanted to change something about himself.

Although you told your boyfriend of almost 3 years that he was handsome the way he is, he still didn't listen and wanted a change.

"babe, can't you come here" ashton calls for you throughout your guys' house and you walk into his music studio.

"get dressed we're going to the shop" he says while you're standing there in your pjs.

"what shop" you asked him while walking towards his drums. Although he was sweaty from drumming all day, you didn't give a flying flip and sat on his lap.

"y/n i'm serious, and it's a surprise"

you groan and push yourself off his lap and head to the bedroom to change.

you walk out of the bathroom to see ashton standing there with his keys in his hand immediately asking if you were ready to go.

you nod your head and grab your purse walking out the door.

twenty minutes later ashton pulls into a sally's beauty. As confused as you were, ashton dragged you inside and headed straight towards the bright and vibrant hair dyes.

You look at him and roll your eyes. he looks at you with a small smile. "ashy, i told you, you're handsome just how you are, why do you wanna change"

"because, this fly drummer needs a new look" he says sassily while grabbing a bright red hair dye.

you and ashton walk to the counter to pay for his dye before returning home.


Ashton grabs a chair and places it in the middle of the bathroom. He takes off his shirt and sits down in the chair.

"So, I have no idea what the hell im doing, soooo i'm gonna let you take over" he grins while handing you the bottle of dye.

"Ash, i don't wanna ruin your adorable dirty blond hair" you say pouting while running your fingers through his hair.

"y/n please" he says while looking at you through the mirror.

you place the plastic gloves on your hands not wanting to stain your hands for who knows how long.

"Before i do this are you absolutely sure you want to dy-"

"yes y/n, i'm sure i what this"

you sigh and place a hugh amount of dye in your hands before rubbing it into ashton's hair.

After about 30 mins of making sure you got every piece of hair, you tell ashton to stay for 20-30 minutes and then you'll rinse it out in the tub.

You take off your now red gloves and place them in the trash before cleaning the rest of the mess on the counter.

"Alright ash, get on your knees in front of the tub and i'll rinse it all out" you say sternly since you're still upset how blonde is gone.

"yes ma'am" he says chuckling a bit.

After 10 long minutes of making sure all the dye is out of his hair, you brush it out and start to blow dry it.

Ashton grabs a black tee and slides it on as i'm finishing up the drying.

He gets up to look at the final product and cannot stop touching it.

"Hey, i just got done styling that, don't mess it u-" you say but getting interrupted when you feel a pair of lips on yours.

"y/n i love it, thank you babe" he says while kissing you again.

"you're welcome" you say. "i think i like it a lot more than i thought i would've" you tell him as he picks you up, carrying you to y'all's bed.

"i knew you would've, that's why i didn't doubt myself" he says while turning on a movie.

"ashton, you better not turn our new white sheets red" you tell him jokingly before falling asleep.

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