what his friends think of you

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friends a.k.a (calum, luke, and mikey)

Every since you've known Ashton, you knew he was in a pretty popular band that he was very dedicated towards. 

The catch is that you and him have been dating for about 3 months and you have never met his friends. They seemed cool and all but you didn't know if they would like you or not. 


"I don't know Ash, what if they don't like me" you question your boyfriend as you still lay in bed while wearing his teenage mutant ninja turtle boxers and a black nike sports bra. 

"Babe, I promise you, they will love you" he assures you while rubbing your bare back. 

You sign and get up changing into a green day t-shirt, ripped blue skinny jeans, and black vans. "maybe if i dress like them, then they'll like me" you thought to yourself. 

You come out of the bathroom and your boyfriend showers you with kisses on your cheeks. 

You laugh lightly and kiss him on the lips heading towards the car. 

Ashton drives you to Michael's house since it was the biggest. 

When Ashton pulls in his driveway, a wave a nausea goes through your stomach. 


"yea baby?" he asks looking at you with a concerned look. 

"I don't know if I can do this" 

"Look, if they don't like you then I'll leave the band and will never talk to them again" 

"Ash you can't do that" you laugh at him while rolling your eyes. "let's just get this over with" 

You and Ashton get out the car and walk onto the enormous porch. 

Ashton doesn't even knock on the door to let them know that we're here. He opens the door right away and you can hear 3 very loud men laughing and joking in the kitchen. 

They never heard us come in, so it shocks the boys a bit when we randomly appear in the room with them. 

"oh my gosh, you must be y/n, ash has told us so much about you" a guy with red hair pulls you into a hug. "I'm Michael or you can call me Mikey i don't really care" 

The tallest one stands up saying "respectfully, Ashy over here never shuts up about you" you laugh quietly and look over at ashton who is blushing so hard. "Im Luke" he continues to say shaking your hand after pulling you into a hug. 

You assume the dark haired one is quiet or doesn't like you since he hasn't moved from his seat. 

"Ahem" Michael coughs loudly catching the boys attention. 

"Oh shit sorry" the dark haired one says as he sets his phone down. "I'm Calum and it's a pleasure to meet you, sometimes we have to remind Ash at rehearsals that you're not there because he blabbers too much" he continues, pulling you into a hug. 

"Well, at least my boyfriend talks about me" you say laughing while looking down at the ground. 

Ashton pulls you into a side hug. "See they're not so bad right babe?" 

"Yea" you chuckle lightly. 

After about an hour or so a pizza delivery guy delivers 5 pizzas for us to share. 

When they set the pizza down you expected them to grab plates to eat off of but everyone grabbed a pizza each and headed towards the couch. 

You weren't that hungry so you sat down next to your boyfriend and kissed him on the cheek before stealing a slice out of his box. 

"Get a room" Calum jokes with a mouth full pizza. 

"Never" Ashton laughs and pulls you in and kisses you on the lips for a few seconds making sure the other three boys see. 

Ashton Irwin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now