christmas cuddles

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"Shit" you screamed. It echoed throughout the house as you dropped another ornament on the floor. 

Ashton came out of the kitchen with a broom to sweep up the sharp pieces of the broken ornament. 

"Maybe you should take a break from decorating since you keep breaking them" Ashton suggests with a smile but when he looks over at you, he could clearly tell you were not having it. 

He cleans up the rest of the mess and proceeds to walk back into the kitchen before grabbing the ingredients to make homemade chocolate chip cookies. 

One of the best things about dating Ashton was his amazing baking skills. He would always surprise you with little treats at least once a week. 

You didn't know how he had so much free time to bake considering he goes to rehearsal everyday. But he still came home with a smile on his face every afternoon and you couldn't ask for more. 

You get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen to see if your boyfriend needed any help. 

He was measuring the sugar when you suddenly grabbed some flour and threw onto his black shirt. He looks up at you and says "you have three seconds before I pour the whole entire bag on top of your head" 

You smirk at his and run as fast you can towards the bedroom trying to shut the door but he suddenly rips the door open. You tried to hold it close but he was much stronger. 

You could see that one of his hand had flour all over it and decided to try and run past him but when you do he slaps your ass leaving a white handprint from the flour. 

You stop to turn around to look at him but he was already back in the kitchen mixing the cookie dough. 

As you walk back over towards him, you reach into the bowl and grab a small chunk of dough and pop in into your mouth. 

"You're gonna die from that" he tells you. 

"I mean, i'll live" you said laughing. 

He rolled the cookie dough into small balls and placed them on a cookie sheet. You put the tray into the oven and decided to wait in the kitchen. You hop up on the counter and your boyfriend walked over and stand in between your legs. He lays his head on your chest while you rub your hand up and down his back. 

"I'm so grateful to spend these moments with you y/n" he says into your shirt.

"Me too Ashy" 

He lifts his head up and kisses you. 

After a few minutes of kissing, the oven starts to beep and he walks over there to take the tray out of the oven. 

He grabs a plate and places around 7 cookies on it before the both of you walk into the living room to sit on the couch to watch your favorite chirstmas movie, The Polar Express. 

As you and Ashton cuddle into the couch, eating the warm and gooey cookies theres suddenly one left. You both take a half of the cookie and feed each other as if you were children. 

"Best Christmas Ever" you say snuggling deeper into his chest. 

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