birthday surprise

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You and Luke had been best friends since you guys were born. Your mom and Liz were best friends in college and you and Luke were born just weeks apart. 

Luke helped you through every exam, homework assignment, and even through your traumatic heartbreaks. He was tired of seeing you get hurt but he knew that was all over once he introduced you to his best friend, Ashton. 

When you and Luke were just 15, his other two best friends, Calum and Michael left school to start their own band. They struggled at first until they found their drummer. Ashton and Luke bonded immediately and even looked like brothers while they were still in their mid teens. 

You always toured with the boys and was apart of their fashion and makeup crew. Luke would get jealous that you would always be hanging with Ashton but the minute you gave Luke attention Ashton started getting upset.

"Hey Luke, which one looks better?" you ask your best friend stepping out of the bathroom.  "The pink or the blue one" you completed. 

"oh definitely the pink one" your boyfriend said wrapping his arms around your waist kissing your head. 

"I wasn't asking you" you chuckled. "But thanks for your opinion" you replied smashing your lips onto Ashton's while smiling. 

"pink" Luke shouts across the tourbus. 


"Happy birthday y/n" you best friend says running up to you, placing his arms around your body. 

"Thank you lukey poo" you said chuckling. "Have you seen Ash?" you asked while brushing through the last knot in your hair.

"Um I don't know, I haven't seem him today" Luke lied. 

You could tell he was lying to you. He never made eye contact and his eyes switched between the ceiling and floor. 

"Okay" you said chuckling. You brushed it off your shoulder and decided to continue to get ready for the day. We were currently in New York for a show tonight and knew it would be a long day. 

"What's up c-dizzle-swizzle" you said jumping off the last step on the tour bus onto Calum's back. "Nothing much birthday girl" he replied. 

"Thanks" you said sliding off of his back. You continued to walk into what you thought was the venue for the show but after walking down a dark hallway Luke and Calum opened a door and revealed a room full of candles, fairy lights, and rose petals. 

"What is all this" you said blushing covering your mouth with your hands. "happy birthday baby" Ashton said walking towards you pulling you into a hug. "How did you?" you questioned Ashton but he just pointed towards your best friend. 

"It was all my idea" Luke nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Thank you" I said running up to him, burying my head in his chest. "You're the bestest friend that I could ever ask for" you replied. "Hey, I'm standing right here" Calum joked. 

"shut up, you know I love you too" you said punching Calum's shoulder lightly. Luke and Calum finally left the room and Ashton brought you over to a table with two plates of food. "I actually thought for a moment that you forgot my birthday" you nervously laughed. 

"I would never forget the birthday of my favorite girl in the entire world" he said pressing his lips on yours. "Which actually reminds me" he says before kneeling down on one knee.

the end.

sorry its so short :/

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