one year present

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Yours and Ashton's one year anniversary was coming up in a few days and you were so excited.

You couldn't believe how you had already spend a year with your best friend. Ashton treated you so well that he made you feel like an absolute queen.

You couldn't decide what to get him but after a few weeks, you bought him tickets to see his favorite band and a new piece for him drum kit.

You wanted to repay Ashton for everything he did for you and after almost $700 you decided he would be happy with his presents.

You currently worked at a salon in town and one day, more specifically, your one year anniversary, he walked through the shop doors with a huge box.

Thankfully, no one was there and you were about to close with your friend.

"Ash, what are doing here" you say while sweeping up the last pile of hair on the ground.

"i decided i wanted to give you your present here" he said laying a kiss on your forehead.

He sets the box on the counter and you see it move a little bit. You finally put the pieces together. A big box. It's moving. There was definitely an animal in there.

You opened the box and it revealed a corgi puppy. You had always wanted a corgi ever since you were a child. You picked the puppy up and pulled Ashton into a hug.

"Babe, this is the best present ever"

"Anything for my princess" he replies kissing you harder. "go ahead, name our new son"

You looked back up at Ashton with gleaming eyes. Your co-worker came from the back of the store and basically screamed.

"Oh my god, did he get you a puppy!?" she said while walking towards the both of you.

"yes" you and your co-worker bother squealed as you handed the puppy over to her.

You turn back around and hug your amazing boyfriend. "i think i wanna call him oliver"

"that's perfect y/n"

you turn around and dig in the side of your station and pull out an envelope. "here's my present, i really hope you like it, oh and there's another one at home in your studio"

Ashton opens the envelope revealing 2 tickets to see his favorite band, Coldplay.

"babe no way, are you serious, i thought they were sold out"

"well i was able to pull a few strings and get them just for us" you reply.

"oh my gosh thank you, i love it" he says hugging you tighter.

"hey can i have my baby back" you say turning around to take back your new puppy.

"no he's too cute" your co-worker says.


When you arrive home, you found that Ashton had already bought a cage, kennel, food, puppy pads, and basically a whole bunch of toys for you new puppy.

You take Ashton over to his studio and reveal to him his second present.

"Babe, no way you got me this" he says picking up the added piece to his set.

"uh yes way i got you that" you say pulling him closer.

"this is sick" he says loudly scaring Oliver a bit.

Ashton walks over to pick up the puppy and you both relax on the couch enjoying the perfect anniversary before ordering your favorite takeout.

a/n i feel like this one is short but it's cute lmao

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