cold tap water

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You grab your pink fluffy robe from the hook on your closet door before entering the bathroom. You place a stopper in the bathtub drain before turning the water knob to hot. You pick out your favorite bath bomb and drop it in the almost filled bathtub. 

You step one foot into the tub wincing in pain from the almost burning hot water. You relax while placing the second foot in before finally sitting down, submerging your whole body in the burning temp.

You slide down the edge getting your hair and scalp wet as it relaxes your mind. When you open your eyes you glance at the picture of you and Ashton hung on the wall above the bathtub. The sweet and adorable picture taken on the night that he proposed, 4 years ago. 

The both of you still young, him being 22 and you were still 20. You knew Ashton loved you so much, which is why he proposed after 1 short year of dating. You made each other feel warm and loved inside. 

You begin to think of the horrible days you had before you met Ashton. Your ex boyfriend was abusive, toxic, and overall a horrible person. He never put you first, he was always with his friends, and he even cheated on you with 2 other women. 

Silent sobs began to fill the bathroom as all your memories with Jeremy came back. He made you feel worthless and even at one point you wanted to commit suicide. But your life got turned around the day you met the love of your life, Ashton Irwin. 

You and Ashton met at one of his shows in San Francisco 5 years ago. Your best  friend bought the both of you tickets to their concert and you couldn't say no. You soon realized that she bought VIP and there was even a point where there was a chance to ask questions. 

Your best friend being the super fan she is was dying to talk to them. She was a Calum girl but you found Ashton to be the most attractive. During the question part of the VIP,  you kept looking at Ashton because he just looked so irresistible.  

At one point Ashton even made eye contact back and was mouthing words to you but the whole thing seemed surreal. The day after the concert, you and your best friend went out in LA and somehow found Ashton at a coffee shop. And that's where it all started. 

After wiping away your tears, you began remember back to the best times you had with Ashton. The silly vacations to Hawaii, trips to Calum's house, the little drum lessons he gave you, karaoke nights in the living room, and the long tiring nights you spent falling asleep in his arms. 

All of the best moments with Ashton started to flow back in your mind when you started to shiver. Thirty minutes had passed and the bath water had gotten cold. You went to get out of the bathtub when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. 

"baby, whats taking so long" Ashton asked peeking through the small crack in the door. "Oh i was just thinking" you replied wiping the damp tears from your eyes. "Do you mind if I join" he asked nervously stepping further into the bathroom. 

"I would say yes but the water has gotten cold" 

Ashton Irwin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now