skinny skinny

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Ashton's P.O.V

The past couple of months have been extremely long and tiring while finishing my first solo album. Today was the last day filming my music video for 'Skinny Skinny' and after that we edited the video for about 12 hours after. 

I didn't get home till around 4am and I was so tired that I almost fell asleep on the way home. I haven't eaten all day and i'm too tired now to even attempt to eat.  I just wanted to be home and sleep next to my beautiful girl. 

When I pulled in the driveway I quietly shut the car door and tip toed inside not wanting to awaken y/n. I place my keys on the bar and walk into our shared bedroom to see her wearing my t-shirt with no pants. She was dancing on top of our bed and screaming the lyrics to one of my songs called 'Drive'.

"The futures not so clear. I'll help you see there's so much more to life. than you and me" I watched her sing not noticing that I was here. I lean on the door way admiring her goofy personality and realizing that she might be the one I want to be with forever. 

When Drive goes off Skinny Skinny starts to play and all that floods my mind is how uncomfortable I am with my body. I tell everyone to love their bodies and appreciate themselves no matter how thick or thin they are but in reality I wasn't comfortable in my own. 

"Ashton" interrupts my thoughts as my adorable girlfriend jumps off our bed yelling my name. "I missed you baby" she continued pulling me into a kiss. I place my hand on her hips bringing her closer. "I missed you too cutie" I replied running my hair through her long wavy hair. 

"Why are you crying" she asked rubbing her thumb against my cheek. "Oh, it's nothing" I replied pushing her hand off my face. "Can we just go to bed?" I asked "It's been a really long day and I have missed you so much during these past few months I just want to fall asleep with you in my arms"

"Anything for my sweet boy" she replied laying a kiss on my damp cheek. 

I changed into some shorts while she turned off the lights and laid down in bed. "Ash, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. Your album is so amazing and you have worked your ass off to finish it these past few months" she says sleepily while I laid down in bed.

"Thank you baby, and again I'm so sorry I haven't been home much, it's just the hustle to get everything finished" I replied. I kissed her forehead and she wrapped her arm around my bare torso but I hated her feeling the parts of my body that weren't slim. 

"Y/n pls" I say moving her hand away from the thicker part of my stomach. "Ash, stop. I love you so so much and nothing about you can change that. Your little stomach is cute and who cares if you're not as slim as the rest of big pop stars out there. I love you for you and nothing should make you feel uncomfortable about yourself" she replied placing her bare chest against mine. 

I slowly kissed her forehead hugging her harder than I ever have. "I love you too" I said looking down at her gorgeous eyes. I placed my head on hers and we slowly fell asleep around five in the morning. 

stop bc this one feels dumb but yunno i need something to post lol

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