you come home from work

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Ashton always knew you grew up in an unstable household, so as soon as you turned 18 he offered to let you live with him.

You both had been dating for about 10 months when you turned 18 so, you two were close enough to live together.

You knew how strenuous Ashton's rehearsals were on him and he was always tires, but who could really blame him, drumming takes a lot of skill and practice.

Since you didn't want to make ashton the main source of income to pay the bills, you took on a second job which was bartending.

One day you had to be at work at 8am but ashton was already at rehearsals by 7. Your heart hurt knowing you wouldn't be able to see Ashton for hours on end.

Once you got off of your office job at 5pm, you immediately changed and headed to the bar where you worked.

Your boss didn't let you off until 2am, and when you got in your car to leave you sat there and cried knowing Ashton would be asleep when you got home. You just wanted to spend some nice quality time with your boyfriend but it seemed almost impossible with all of these long hours of work.

When you pulled into the driveway you were confused to see the lights still on in the house.

When you walked in, you saw a very sleepy ashton in the kitchen cooking a really late night dinner for the both of you.

"Ashton, you didn't have to do this for me, you need to go to bed, don't you have rehearsal at 7?" you tell him almost crying while standing at the counter with your back towards him.

He comes up behind you and lays his head in the crook of your neck kissing your cheek.

"y/n, it's alright, i'll do anything for my baby. And I know you probably haven't eaten all day, right" he says as your stomach growls loudly.

"But ash, you need your sleep for rehearsal, i don't want you to be tire-"

"babe... calm down, the cancelled rehearsal tomorrow. Mike couldn't be there so they decided to cancel it." he tells you calmly.

"oh, well still you didn't have to make dinner at almost 3am" you say while wiping the few tears from your cheeks from all the stress.

"I did this... because I love you y/n" ashton says.

"did you just...say...i love you" you say while slowly looking up at ashton.

"uh yea, sorry i" he stutters while rubbing his neck. "if you didn't want me t-"

you interrupt him. "I love you too Ashton"

He kisses you passionately before he fixes plates for the both of you.


After you both finish, you grab the plates and place them in the sink about to start the dishes when ashton grabs your waists and carries you in his arms to the bedroom.

"Ashton, the dishes, i gott-"

"shh, I'll do them tomorrow"

You lay in bed and Ashton cuddles behind you, spooning you, but you decide to turn around and lay your head in his chest and wrap you arms around him.

You missed your boyfriend so much that this is the one thing you were looking forward to when you got home and you couldn't wish for a better boyfriend than Ashton.

Ashton Irwin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now