he wakes up sick

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You turn over in bed to find Ashton's side empty. You squint your eyes at the bright alarm clock on the dresser reading 3:25 am. You look at the shared bathroom door and the light was off, you had no idea where your boyfriend could have gone. You suddenly hear faint coughs and sniffles from downstairs. You exit the bedroom heading downstairs finding Ashton leaning over the edge of the kitchen sink with his hands in his hair.

"Ash, are you okay?" you ask softly walking into the dim kitchen lighting. You looked at him concerned, but after startling him, he began to cough viciously away from you. "Uh yea" he swallowed holding his right hand on his chest. "I just don't feel too great" he said blowing his nose into a tissue before throwing it away.

"Do you want me to make you some soup or anything you'd like baby" you asked pulling him into a tight hug and laying your head on his chest. "No y/n, it's fine just go back to bed it's really early" He said brushing his fingers through your hair.

You continue to stay in his hold until he lightly moves you out of the way and runs towards the hall bathroom. You quickly follow him and find him on his knees hovering his head over the toilet bowl. "gosh, I'm so sorry this is happening to you baby" You tell him rubbing circles on his back. After a few minutes of him puking his guts up, he walks with you back upstairs and brushes his teeth before laying back down in bed.

You continue to lie awake knowing your boyfriend is in pain next to you. You tried to drift off to sleep but Ashton kept tossing and turning in between his deep coughs. Finally at 5am you got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make your moms soup that he loves so much. He always adored your cooking and craved your soup every time he was sick.

You walk back upstairs to check on your boyfriend to find him laying sideways across the bed wrapped in the comforter. You could just tell by looking at him that he was congested and having a hard time breathing only bc he never sleeps with his mouth open. You walk into the bathroom and gather the humidifier machine and set in on his nightstand to help him breathe.

You walk back downstairs wanting your boyfriend to get plenty of rest. Moose and Southy bark outside wanting in. You and Ashton were dog sitting for Michael and Crystal since they went on vacation. You let the dogs in and cuddle with them on the couch, patiently waiting for Ashton to wake from his slumber.

Two arms wrapped around your torso waking you up from the short nap you took on the couch. "hey baby" Ashton says kissing your cheek. "Ash i swear if you get me sick" you jokingly push him away. He sniffs the air and you could see his face light up from a mile away. "Is that" he pauses, "it is" you smiled walking into the kitchen with him.

Your shirtless boyfriend walks over to the stove to see his favorite pot of soup. "Ash how are you not freezing" you ask him looking at the thermostat reading 54 degrees. "Baby it feels so hot in here" he said grabbing a bowl from the cabinet. "No here I got it, go sit down" you motion your boyfriend towards the barstool. He takes a seat while you make him a bowl of soup, then sets it down in front of him.  

You stand behind him resting you head on his shoulder while he eats his early lunch. You hear him moan after taking the first bite, "How does it taste so damn good every single time" he says taking another spoonful. "Because I'm a great cook and you love my moms recipe" you say chuckling. He spins around on the barstool pulling you into his lap, "what would I do without you" he asks kissing you cheek. "Um, you would probably be on your death bed because you clearly can't stay healthy" you joke with him. 

He places his hand over his heart acting hurt from your silly comment. "I'm joking ash" you say patting his chest. "You know I love you too much" you say pressing your lips onto his. " I thought you didn't want to get sick with my germs" he asks before kissing you again. "Any sickness is worth your kisses" you smile wrapping your arms around his neck. "I love you so much" he replies smiling wide. 

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