your time of the month but its special

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"good morning sweetheart" ashton says turning your body over on the king sized mattress. "hi baby" you reply leaving a long wet kiss on his lips.

"god, your kisses are the best" he says in awe, looking between your gorgeous eyes, deeply staring. "that's what they all say" you reply with a wink. "do you think i have enough time to shower before we head over to Calum's place?" you ask your sweet amazing boyfriend of 2 years.

"of course baby, take your time"

you give him one more quick peck before getting up out of bed. as you're about to step into the bathroom ashton's voice stops you.

"um baby" he says as you pause to turn around and you seek your eyes on the red puddle, staining your guys' white bed sheets.

"oh shit, i'm so sorry ash, i wasn't expecting it to come this early" you apologize with your hands in your hair rushing over to pull the sheets off the bed.

"no it's okay, it happens" he coos kissing your forehead. "just get in the shower and i'll get these in the wash, don't worry about it" he smiles pushing you lightly back towards the bathroom.

you sigh and tears fill your eyes as you step into the steaming shower. you never really take into consideration how much ashton actually loves you. between the band and his personal life, his plate is always so full but he always manages to make everyone happy.

after twenty minutes you turn off the water that started to slowly burn your skin and step in front of a mirror where you seem to judge yourself. thoughts began to fill your head.

"why does ashton love me?"
"i'm fat, ugly, and useless"
"he should be with someone better, i don't deserve him"

you wipe away your tears and get dressed in ashtons favorite outfit. sweats and one of his t-shirts, which is far too baggy on your body. he has always told you from the beginning that he would rather see you in no makeup and baggy clothes than tight clothes and a face caked with makeup.

you step into the bedroom after you finished getting ready to find a freshly made bed, along with a small gift bag and a singular rose.

you slowly open the bag and it reveals a bag of your favorite chocolates and a small red box. you decided to read the small note left beside the bag before opening the box, it reads:

"never feel bad for these small accidents. all women have to go through these painful journeys every month so you should never apologize for a little leak. y/n i love you so damn much and I PROMISE i will never ever not be by your side. you are the most loveable, sweet, and amazing girlfriend that i've ever had and i never wanna let you go. ash xx"

you sniffle at the sweet note that ashton had wrote for you while peeking into the small red box inside the glittering bag. the box reveals a sterling silver promise ring that was absolutely gorgeous. you slide the ring onto your finger as you jump from the small cough from entrance of the room.

"ash" you say in a whiny voice as you jump into his arms. "you didn't hav-"

"but i did" he cuts you off. "y/n there is no one that i would rather be with and while our tour is about to kick off, i wanted to get you a small reminder from when i'm not home as much that i'll always love you even from across the world."

"god dammit you sweet beautiful soul" you cry into his shoulder. he wraps his arms around the small of your back and pulls you in tighter. "ashton i love you so so much and i never want to live without you either"

he kisses the top of your forehead and looks into your eyes once again. "now how about we get your sexy ass in the car and let's head to cals yea? all the guys are there along with crystal, sierra, and y/bfs/n"

"ash i think i need to go change, i look like crap"

"nope!" he shouts and giggles while dragging you to the car. "you look absolutely adorable" he continues as he kisses your temple and puts the car in drive to head south on the neighborhood street towards Calum's.

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