ashton's favorite things about you

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-He loves how you wake up looking flawlessly every morning
-Ashton would rather you wear sweatpants and a hoodie than makeup and tight clothes
-Your adventurous personality amazes him, you're always ready for an adventure and so is he
-He can hear your laugh from across the house and he blushes every time
-Ashton loves that you're so good with animals and babies, making him want one with you
-He adores your natural hair and hates when you style it because he thinks your natural hair is beautiful
-He loves that you support him through his music career even during the rough times
-he loves that you can put up with his silly personality as well as yours
-Ashton especially loves how cuddly you get when he gets home from a long day of work
-He appreciates that you would rather spend time with him than receiving gifts or money
-He loves that you wear his clothes around the house, mainly a hoodie or shirt and a pair of his boxers
-He loves how well you get along with his friends
-he appreciates you not getting jealous of him having girl friends
-he loves that you blast his bands music throughout the house on the weekends


a/n sorry i couldn't think of more, but bestie did request a part like this<3

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