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Socializing, making new friend with the same age perks, learning new things, experiencing new environment, sharing likes and dislikes, studying and working hard together is what Highschool suppose to be. It can be a safe heaven and hell for a hormonal teenagers.

But not at this Elite school of the richest. Seoulite Highschool have unspoken hierarchy and rules to be followed.

Laughing, joking, playing together is what the adult sees from the outside. But they don't know, under those layering mask of happy filters, Lays a spitefull truth. Where those laugh is the covers of all episode of abuse. The jokes they thought will be funny, is actually the idea of how they would have fun with their breathing human toy, slave or whatever they called in exchange of others misery. Playing together, is where all the scary part take action.

"No! don't do this! Please stop, my head hurts" Y/n begging them to stop while being dragged by her hair into the nearest toilet. The other students of the elite school stood silent watching the scene, none of them bother to help. Some are staring and whispering and some still doing their own business like it's daily thing happened everyday. Stumbling on her step, they pushed her into one stall at the very end of the girls toilet.

They outnumbered her and she couldn't run away from them. Unzipping her school bag, dumping all
of her belongings into the toilet bowl before throwing her bag into the trashcan, Snickering while they're doing it.

"Oh look, little trash actually brought her own cheap sandwich, eww gross" The pretty girl known as Lee sungkyung throw the sandwich at y/n face.

"Please.. stop this, I didn't do anything" she said with teary eyes, trying hard not to cry or getting too scared Infront of her bully but sungkyung didn't buy it. She grip y/n chin roughly leaving red mark on her skin.

"Your existence itself making me puke. You don't deserve to be live, have you forgot? You're a murderer, you killed your family" Painful bitter bloody memories of the past came back and making you weaker than you already is. Ducking your head down as tears started flowing down, Fidgeting the hem of your shirt. Loving your reaction, Sungkyung raise her foot up and rest it on y/n chest as y/n back were leaning on the toilet stall.

"Poor Ugly little commoner like you are not meant to be here in the same place as us. Our level is different y/n" y/n groans louder as sungkyung step onto her more.

"My dad, is nice enough to let a murderer like you to study here using our scholarship without taking a penny out from you and you couldn't even help me with the simple task? Smartest student my ass" she retreat her leg, walking back

"I.. i..."

"I got 0 on my paper because you didn't write MY name on your answer sheet. You know what my dad did? He blocked my black card for a week and the limited bag i want is release tomorrow. I couldn't have it thanks to your dumb asses"

Gritting her teeth, she pushed y/n head with her pointing finger before slapping y/n cheeks continuosly until it leave red marks on both of her cheeks. Only stopping after she felt satisfied, y/n didn't even trying to stop her.

Stopping sungkyung just making everything worst and longer.

After sungkyung done letting out all of her venge anger on y/n, she snap her finger for the thousands time today as her 'friends' followed after, punching and kicking y/n body as if they were releasing their stress on a punching bal. Leaving her face untouch so nobody could see the bruises of blue and purple painted her skin days after.

"I bet you hungry coz we take your precious break time aren't you?" One of sungkyung friend take the mushy sandwich from the floor forcing it into y/n mouth.

"I bet she's thirsty too" sungkyung said and as if it was a signal, Another one of her friend took a basin of dirty water at the side and splash it at y/n without any guilt.

"Perfect" sungkyung smirks in happiness.

"Let's go girls, ir I'll be late for my date wit-" she stop talking when her phone rings, her demeanor changed once she answered the call

"Yes baby? What?... Why? Nooo.. fine Whatever" she end the call with a frown. "Looks like i got time"

They keep 'playing' with her until the bell rings, signalling the evening break had over. Sighing out in satisfaction, they pat their skirt and touch up their caked face in the mirror. Laughing their way out from the toilet left the panting girl behind, admist of being half awake alone in the purposely locked toilet.

"Have fun sleeping in the toilet tonight loser" y/n laid limply on the wet floor alone, breathless. Their high pitch voice of laughter soon become blurry and far from y/n hearing but she doesn't care because the pain she felt right now is much more to bare. Her chest move abruptly weak, catching her breath with a lump of silent cries being her bestfriend.


When she's awake in a full conciousness, the place already dark as the street light help her to see her surrounding through the small window above. When she's done collecting herself and her belongings, she check the door but it's still tightly locked from outside, Y/n tried to kick open the stall door but fail miserably. Due to her many experience been locked inside the toilet stall, it's useless for her to even try, all she did is slid her belonging under the stall before sliding herself out from there.

Putting her wet stuff inside her dirty bag that she took from the trashcan. Folding her dirty school uniform after cleaning herself and change into a new set of clean clothes that she had hide somewhere inside the toilet, she made herself presentable Infront of the mirror. Taking note to prepare another set of clean clothes for another time.

Walking toward the door but her guesses were right, the door were still locked, usually some of the teachers or janitors will secretly help to unlocked the door after they had confirmed sungkyung had gone back. But maybe they scared to help her now since they had installed cctv near the toilet.

Calling for help is completely useless, Her phone is not working as they throw it in the toilet bowl. It's not like she actually have someone to call for help either way. The last resolve she had is to climb the small window to get out from here.

With a set of deep breath, she climb up the sink and grip the edge of the small window, pulling herself up with all her might, resting a few seconds for a breather before throwing her bag down the window first without looking what's at the other side, because it's creepy enough to look down even though it's roughly 5 meters.

For a safe landing, she turns her body so her front is facing the wall, leg slowly reaching down with her hand supporting all of her weight. Hanging on the wall ready to jump, but a sudden thunder jolt her, accidently lost her grip, with a heavy heart, she is ready to feel the impact of the hard fall, But all she could feel is soft sturdyness under her that comes with warmth.

With so many questions marks above her head, slowly blinking open her eyelids, eyes widen in shock with the close gap. Under the bright light, stands the one and only her bully's boyfriend looking down on her.

Here comes the bad guy...

Here comes the bad guy

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Jeon Jungkook!

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