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"I'll kill you motherfucking bitch! I'll cut your limbs to feed the dogs then throw your heart deep in the sea so it would wash all the sins, throw your body at a cliff so it could get the hang of it and put your head in the museum as one of the proof of the devil exist."


"How's that?"


"C'mon y/n, gotta admit that shit I just said is intimidating, if i saw that sungkyung girl ever again, I'm gonna say those dialogue Infront of her pretty face!"

"..  That kinda over reacting but thanks Mrs Kim, you made my day, and this apple is delicious"

"I'm the one cutting it for you, Ofcourse it is" she's joking and both of you laugh.

"Are you really okay? Did it hurt anywhere? What did the doctor said about the baby?"

"I'm fine, the baby's fine too, he's a strong one they said" you smile as caressing your big belly.

"That's great, so where's jungkook going? I saw him running justnow"

"Oh, you're not gonna believe this, but jungkook is chasing his dad to apologise and start over. Isn't it great?"  Y/n are too happy to realise that Mrs Kim face had lost her colours after she said that.

"O-oh... really?"

"What's wrong Mrs Kim? Don't you feel happy if they made up?"

"O-oh Ofcourse i feel happy about that. It's just.. that... I..." She's stuttering and you know something is bothering her, putting the knife away, taking her hands to yours.

"What's wrong Mrs Kim? You know you can tell me everything right?" She look at you looking guiltily before letting out a deep exhale. Taking out an A4 brown envelope from her bag and give it to you.

"I still think this is not the right moment, maybe next time, You need a well rest" she take the envelope back from you after thinking twice, wanting to put it inside her bag but you stop her by holding her wrist.

"I'm okay Mrs Kim, what is it?" She sighed.

"I saw this document while I'm cleaning Jungkook's room and i think you should know about this." 

After you've done reading it, Your smiles totally wiped out, Looking at her speaking through your eyes as if asking for a confirmation and you got your answers when she pull you into a hug.


"Hey baby guess what, i had apologize to my dad, it was awkward but I'll manage. Though he's not responding. So... Can i get my hug and kisses now?" He came closer but you stop him by putting your palm on his chest, pushing him away.

"Why are you pushing me away?" He utter with a pouty mouth.

Usually you would cooe his cute act but you couldn't careless for the time being, didn't even react, just looking at him with a thousand and one questions swirling inside your head

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Usually you would cooe his cute act but you couldn't careless for the time being, didn't even react, just looking at him with a thousand and one questions swirling inside your head.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you finally realising your boyfriend are that handsome? The nurses must be gossiping about me huh? Are you jealous? Don't worry baby, all i see is you"

"You can stop your act now Jeon Jungkook-ssi, i know everything" you take the brown envelope inside the drawer and throw it his way. He frowned, but shrugging it away the next second, taking out the paper inside.

"Um? What is this? Do you need to makeake another check u..." His body tense as he froze in place after reading the tittle wrote in bold.

"Tell me you don't know anything about this jungkook"

"Y/n.. b-baby i can explain.." jungkook coming closer trying to take her hands in his but she yank it away from his grasp.

"I thought you would atleast deny it or maybe act stupid about that, but it hurt me knowing you didn't. So all this while, everything's a lie?" you whimpered at the end.

"Y/n i... it's not..i.."

"Go.. " Your head lowered, trying your best to wait for Jungkook to leave before you break down.

"No baby, You can get angry at me but please don't push me away... Please.." he whispered shakily, eyes peering into you with such intensity that almost make you melt but you shouldn't..

"Was it all a sick joke to you? Mess with the stupid girl to look how far you can get with me?".

"What are you talking about? I would never play with your feelings like that, please believe me, i love you..."

"Love? really? It certainly didn't stop you from making this fake dying declaration certificate for my unborn child did it?" You spoke, angry tears start filling your eyes, you could feel your heart tugged painfully, your own words hurting yourself.

"Baby no- that's not it-okay fine, yes i have think about it when i help you the first time b-"

"I was so stupid to believe every single thing you said to me, i was so stupid to believe that someone like you would actually like me and wanted to be with me, i was too immersed by my own feelings to realise that you are only playing with me, the stupid bullied girl who wouldn't dare to hurt a fly and boast about it later... How could you?!" You croaked out, banging your fist against his chest. Jungkook shaking his head violently, grabbing your wrist to stop.

" Please let me explain, it's my fault, forgive me or I'll don't know how I'll be able to face you everyday. I... i can't bear thinking you're acting distance with me like this.. please.."

"Let go!" You gasp lightly trying to be free from Jungkook's grip, holding in your tears of pain Infront of him.

"No, not until you listen to what i have to say. Y/n, baby please.. we're good just seconds ago.." he gulp harshly, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

You inhaled sharply, shaking your head furiously, finally looking up to look at his desperate gaze, he tried lacing their fingers together but immediately fall to his back after y/n had push him roughly, throwing tantrum by kicking the blanket, screaming and trying to pull out the syringe but Jungkook are doing his best to stop you for doing so until a couple of nurses rush in trying to calm her, Jungkook walk backwards with teary eyes.

"How could you do this? I believe you! Go! I don't want to see your face anymore! GO!!"  Your face is red with anger while he's trying to inch closer, but two male nurses holding him back, telling him to leave the room and let her calm down for a few while.

Jungkook froze on his feet, didn't care what the nurses would think of him, He had enough suppressing those tears and finally he let them fall wetting his cheeks.

"Y/n i really love you, you made me look forward to my future, and for once that future is more than me being an heir. I love that you become the first home i felt in years, I love the way that you change me for the best and set me back on my feet,  i love the way you never treated me like i was some silly kid incapable of doing anything." He paused, choking on his own sobs.

" I love when your fingers intertwined with mine, love it when you get angry with me just because i didn't finish the side dishes you made, i love that we can laugh and being the comfort of each other." By this time, the urge to be maniac had gone, slightly calmed, but tears never stop from flowing out, Your tear ducks work like waterfall.

"You showed me the true meaning of hope and perseverance, shaping me to be who i am today and i hope you give me a chance to explain everything. I won't deny my first intention, but let me explain everything.. that is.. when you ready to hear me. I'll... I'll Wait for you." He paused, Gulping the bitter taste inside his throat before saying the last word to you while staring at your crying state fondly.

"I love you."

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