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With unspoken rule, both were lost looking deep into each other eyes until another set of voice clearing their throat, interrupting the staring session you had with sungkyung to be said boyfriend.

"Nice catch tiger. Congrats, you have catch a fallen angel for tonight dessert" a clear smooth deep voice with a hint of high pitch said from the side. y/n become panic when she realised all this time she was in the arms of another handsome looking guy while lost staring at jungkook.

Panickly asked to be put down, moving her legs and body like a dying fish and regret her decision soon after when the guy accidentally dropped her on the ground in the middle of the three guys, sungkyung's eboy boyfriend, the handsome guy that catch her bridal style and another handsome guy with ridiculous plump lips.

"I didn't mean to do that, sorry" A husky deep voice of her saviour says a few word as he offer her his hand to get her up. Ignoring his hand, standing up by herself dusting her sweat pants. Eyes wondering elsewhere aside be looking at the 3 of them.

"Your bag?" the deep voice guy pass her bag to her as she gently took it.

"T-thank you"

"You should thank me, your wet bag coming out from nowhere and hit me in the face, as for payment, what about you joining us for din-"

"Shut it jimin, don't spout nonsense" Jungkook stop his friend from talking further, looking at you as if you were the killer of his pet. Gulping, you bowed while hugging your bag tightly near your chest, saying your thanks, wanting to make your move away from the three of them as soon as possible.

You felt electricity flowed through your nerves when suddenly one of them gripping your wrist, taking your attention to turned around. It was your Saviour

"Are you okay? Your face is red and your lips bleeding" He move closer inspecting your bleeding lips with his thumb but you turn your face away, rejecting his hand softly.

"I'm okay, thank you for worrying, but could you.. let go of my hand?" He jolt as he let your smaller hand go from his large one.

"Sorry, i didn't realize i was holding you back" He grinned while his shorter friend beside him look at you with a scrutinize eyes and a hint of smirk that creep you out.

"Hey what's this?" Y/n screamed, instinctly slapped jimin's hand when he randomly raise the hem of your shirt halfway up.

"How could you!" The second slap your hand made to his cheeks even surprised you more as much as you suprise them.

"I-i'm..." You were scared shitless and had imagine how he would lost his temper like sungkyung did, but he just laugh it out after being shocked, showing you his cresendence eyes, an obvious imprint of your five fingers at his reddening cheeks start to get very likely to show to the whole world.

"My bad, but Woah! why so many bruises on your skin babe? Are you a masochist? Man, i never met one, but i would love to try one., i like girls screaming my name while I'm playing rough with them" He smirk walking forward as you hug your bag closer,
walking backwards.

"Awww don't be scared little kitten, I don't bite" Her eyes studying their stares. She saw how Jungkook's stare is sharp and cold like it could penetrate her skull, Jimin's stare is annoyingly unguilty teasing and taehyung's stare is full of pity that she don't need.

In the safe distance, she turned around, running away hoping they are not chasing her or planning to get her tomorrow or forever, running away from the 3 Guys. The 3 famous heart-throb of Seoulite is not someone you could easily interact with. They are in a totally different world, the top 3 of the richest family member in Korea is now standing infront of her.

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