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So, it's the final of The Voice UK tonight, what better time for me to start my fanfic? I've been meaning to write this for a while, so I hope you enjoy it!

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Maybe this would be my chance. I had been through so many times, thinking that same thing. But maybe this time. Maybe this time, I would be lucky. After all, luck is all you need. They say all you need is talent to be on one of these shows, but that’s not true. Plenty of people with talent get turned down. All you really need is luck. And a whole lot of it. 

I guess I had already had some luck. I had been accepted onto the show. Some people have to apply for years in a row to be accepted, but this was the first time I applied, and here I was.

Six in the morning, packing a bag - to be exact about where I was. Getting ready to head off to Manchester. Why? It was the filming for The Voice. And I was on it. 

It still felt weird to be able to say that, To be able to say that in less than five hours, I will be singing in front of an audience. And in front of Will.I.Am, Rita Ora, Tom Jones, and Ricky. Ricky Wilson. The lead singer of Kaiser Chiefs. That bad-boy turned good. That guy that so many people obsessed over - including me. Just a few months ago I had seen him at the arena near me with my best friend. I never thought that I would be accepted onto the show, and would be able to meet him. If I said he was my here, O would sound childish, but it is sort of true. His band’s music is the sort that just… gives you feels. Take Coming Home -  as soon as I heard that song, I fell in love with it. It’s one of those songs that you can hear all of the emotion behind it. 

And I was going to be singing in front of him. 

I could say I was nervous… but that was an understatement. I was terrified. I had never really sung infant of anyone. Now I was going headfirst. And it could only go two ways - amazingly or disastrous. And as my nerves grew, I could only see it going the latter. 

One of the worst things about this? Whatever happened, I couldn’t tell anyone. I knew I would find that the hardest. I’m known for never being able to actually keep a secret. And this is a secret that if I break… well, I don’t know what would happen, but I know that it wouldn’t be nice. 

‘Hazel, are you ready?’ A voice came from downstairs. ‘We need to be setting off.’ It was my mum. She was driving me there. 

‘Sure.’ I shouted downstairs, hauling my bag onto my shoulder. A whole load of makeup, hair curlers, and a dress and shoes weighs a lot. 

I looked around my room. I knew that when I next saw this room, things would be different. My dreams would have come true, or… they would have been smashed. 

I walked downstairs. 

‘Ready?’ Mum asked, opening the front door. 

‘Ready.’ I nodded, and walked outside.

This was it. This was my chance. This was the start of everything, or nothing.

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