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'Have fun?' Mum asked, standing up, and walking back to the exit with me.
'Yeah,' I said.

I couldn't wait to tell everyone. I had to tell them all about taday; all about how surreal it all was. Everyone turned for me. Everyone. I hadn't really even expected one person to. I wasn't anyone. I couldn't quite believe it. It seemed like I was living inside a dream. I kept having to remind myself that I wasn't dreaming, and this really was my life at the moment. I had Ricky's number. I couldn't stop thinking about that. It was the sort of thing that you had no chance of getting over. And it was impossible to believe it was true. But it was. And I had to get that into my head. All of that stuff had actually happened. And I had to tell everyone.

But I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. That was part of the contract I signed. No-one could know anything ahead of the show being aired. I couldn't tell anyone about anything that happened. They couldn't know about my excitement. They couldn't know I was on Ricky's Team.

They would find out in three weeks time. That's when the show airs. Three weeks before anyone could know anything. Three whole weeks of keeping quiet. I wasn't exactly known for keeping secrets either.

This would be fun.

We arrived back at home, and I was exhausted. I went straight up to my room.

I was right when I left my room. Life would be different when I was next here. Because it was. I was different now. I was on The Voice.

I immediately thought back to when Ricky put his number in my phone, and thought that he didn't know mine, so I got my phone out.

I scrolled through my contacts, but nothing was stored under Ricky. Or down as Ricky Wilson. Maybe he never gave me his number. Maybe he just said that he would give it to me. After all, why would he need to give me his number? The production team had my number, and they were meant to call me to let me know what was happening. That's how it works. You don't get your coaches number, at least not straight away. He didn't know how long I would be on the show for. He wouldn't trust me with his number becasue I might only see him one more time.

I scrolled through all of my contacts slower, reading every name. Callie. Holly. Kaycee. Megan. The Angry Mob. Wait, The Angry Mob? Of all of the names Ricky could have put his name under, The Angry Mob was the best he could do? The title to one of his older songs? To be honest though, it was quite funny.

We are the angry mob,
we read the papers every day.
We like who we like,
We hate who we hate,
But we're all so easily swayed.

This did seem to describe Ricky well though. He does like a lot of people, but he is known to dislike quite a few.

I also felt quite relieved. The fact that Ricky didn't lie. The fact that he did actually give me his number.

I decided to send him a text, because he didn't have my number.

Hey, it's Hazel :)

I put my phone on charge. I thought about texting or calling Megan. But what could I tell her? The main reason I wanted to text her was to tell her everything, but I couldn't. There was no point.

I got changed, and got into bed. I quickly checked my Instagram and Twitter, but nothing had happened. I decided to look at Ricky's Twitter. His last tweet said something that caught my eye.

'Great day filming. Amazing singer coming. She's so talented!'

Okay. That tweet could be about anyone, right? Well, any girl, anyway. Call me self centred and vain, but something made me think that tweet was about me. Maybe. I wasn't sure what exactly it was, maybe the fact he insisted earlier that I was talented, and he put that in his tweet. Anyone could be that talented girl.

My phone vibrated - I forgot to turn it off of silent when I got out of the studio, and I only just noticed. I tapped on the text notification at the top of my screen without looking at it, automatically thinking it would be Megan. But it wasn't. It was Ricky.

Hey Hazel. After finishing the filming today, I can honestly say you are the best singer. I want you to win this so badly, Hazel. I really do. Can I call you at some point tomorrow? I want to talk to you about what we're doing next x

He put a kiss on the end of the text. I was dying. He probably did it automatically like I used ot though. You get usesd to putting kisses, then you can't stop.

Of course I don't mind x

I replied. Two can play at that game of sending kisses. And it obvoiusly didn't mean anything. Ricky was still getting over his last relationship.

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