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I can't wait to hear your reactions to this chapter. Seriously!! Hopefully with this update I should reach 5k as well. This makes me so happy!!


Simon pulled up in the car park to the flats.

'Wait here.' Ricky said to him, before getting out, and openeing my car door.

'You're such a gentleman.' I joked, ans he helped me out, then passed me my crutches.

We made it up to my flat. Ricky had my keys, and he unlocked the door for me. He followed me inside.

'Thanks,' I said, making my way over to turn the lights on in the flat. I leaned against the wall, half balencing, and just managed to turn the lights on. God, having a messed up leg was really awkward.

When I turned around, Ricky raised his eyebrows at me. 'This is exactly why you aren't staying here.' He said, walking over to me, and lead me to the settee to sit down. I felt like such an idiot. 

'It's hardly like I have anywhere else to go.' I said. I was suddenly realising how useless the whole disowned-by-parents thing could be. 

'You can come to mine.' Ricky said, and he said it seriously. He wasn't even joking. 

'Your flat is exactly the same as mine.' I said to him.

'Not my flat.' He said. 'I packed up this morning. Come to my house in Leeds for a bit.' 

I wasn't sure. I was happy here in my flat. It was okay for now. But what was stopping me? 

'Okay.' I said, and smiled. 

I managed to get up and make my way to my room, and began to put my clothes into my bags. 

'Want any help?' Ricky asked from the doorway.

'I'm fine.' I said, packing the last of the clothes and zipping up my suitcase. My room looked oddly empty.

'Here,' Ricky came over, and trapped the suitcase, and I followed him out of my room.

My guitars were already in their bags, waiting by the door.

'Thanks.' I said to him. 'Not just for sorting the guitars and everything, but for letting me stay with you.'

Ricky smiled at me. 'It's the least I could do for my winner.' He said.

He leaned into me, and I leaned into him. And we both ended up kissing. At that exact moment, every cell in my body was alive, and shouting - celebrating. All of the pain disappeared from my leg and side, and I was just lost in the feeling of his lips on mine. Time had stopped for us. 

He drew his lips away. 'We should get going.' He said. 'Si is waiting for us.' 

I nodded. I put one guitar bag over my shoulder, then realised that was the limit of what I could carry. 

'It's okay.' Ricky said. 'I'll bring everything down in a couple of trips.'

I looked back into my flat for one last time. I was going to miss it. 

We down to the car park, and thankfully Simon was still there. Ricky opened the boot, and I took the guitar off my shoulder and placed it in, and Ricky placed my suitcase and another one of my guitars with it.

'You get into the car, I'll get everything else.' He said. 

'You sure?' 

Ricky nodded, and I handed him my key so he could lock the flat when he was done. 

I got into the car. 

'You okay, Haze?' Simon asked. 

'Yeah,' I said. 'Ricky wants me to stay with him because I can hardly do anything.' I laughed. 

Simon nodded. 'That was a different way for him to ask.' 

'Ask what?' I said.

'Ricky likes you Hazel. Remember that first time we saw each other, when he FaceTimed you, and I said that stuff? He hadn't shut up about you all day. He was always checking his phone to see if you had text him. In his eyes, you're everything.' He said. 'I just didn't know how he would ask you to be with him.' 

Ricky had liked me for that long? He liked me when those rumours were going around. He talked to them about me? I was overwhelmed by the fact that he liked me that much.

'He said that he loved me in the hospital. He didn't think I could hear.' I explained to Simon. 

'Out of all the ways he's told girls he likes them, that must be the best so far.' He laughed. 

Ricky got into the car. 

'Mate, you have the best way of pulling girls.' Simon said, laughing. 

Simon was laughing so much I ended up laughing. Ricky turned his head to look at me.

'What's this about?' He asked.

I just shrugged, and carried on laughing.

The drive to Leeds was one and a half hours, which wasn't too bad, and soon enough, Simon pulled up outside a big house in a pretty area. All the way leading up to it was mainly fields and the odd shop. The house stood on it's own, a few others were scattered nearby, but not too close. 

'This is it.' Ricky said to me, getting out of the car.

I opened my door, and Ricky went into the boot and passed me my crutches. I managed to get myself out, shooting pains going up my body. I hadn't taken any painkillers lately, and it was probably that the stuff they gave me at the hospital was wearing off. 

Simon got out of the car, and grabbed my suitcase out of the boot, along with Ricky's. Ricky grabbed the guitars, and pulled some keys out of his pocket, and handed them to me. 

'Can you unlock?' He asked, balancing a bag of my books in his hands. 

'Sure.' I laughed. 

I walked up to the door and put the key in, Ricky behind me. The door opened into a large hall, with album covers and artwork up on the walls, and photos. Photos of Ricky when he was younger, of the band when they first started out. Of the band now, what I was guessing was their last tour, there was a group photo, them all smiling, and just looking more like a family than anything.

'Welcome home.' He said from behind me as I made my in. 

This was so much better than that flat. 


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