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Guys, I have been waiting to write these next few parts for ages. I've had them planned out in my head for months, and finally they have made it into my fic. I really hope you like these next chapters.

When I woke up. I couldn't think about anything. The drum that was constantly beating in my head blocked out every thought.

I stumbled out of bed and into the kitchen, and grabbed a glass of water and some painkillers. My head was pounding. There was more bass in there than a Metallica concert.

I looked down at myself, and I noticed that I was wearing my pink pyjamas with little foxes on them. Funny, I couldn't remember changing into them.

Why was my head throbbing so much anyway? It wasn't like--

Oh yeah. I could remember drinking. Having shots with Rita. That's the thing about shots - you don't feel like you are having any alcohol while you do them. It's afterwards. There was champagne as well, right? Yeah. Because I had won. I had won The Voice.

The night was flooding back to me. Finding out I had won, agreeing with Ricky to go back home and pick my stuff up.

Oh God, what time was it? I suddenly panicked, thinking I had overslept and had no chance of getting a lift from Ricky. I rushed - or went as fast as I could without walking into too many walls - to check my phone. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was only eleven. I had another hour until Ricky would be around.

I went to get a shower, as that was always the best way to clear my head. I turned the water up hot, and stayed in as long as I could, until I couldn't breathe for all of the steam.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look too bad. At least I wan't deathly white any more after that. I just had a shade of skin that was close to the colour of a lobster. I wasn't too sure what was more preferable.

I grabbed some random clothes and slipped them on, before drying my hair and pulling it into a bun on the top of my head, so at least then it would look intentionally messy rather than screaming 'Hey, this girl has the official hangover from hell!'. I put some foundaton and eyeliner on, covering up the obvous hung-over look my face had. The last thing I wanted my mum to see would be that I had gotten drunk last night. It would just fuel her argument more. I just wanted to be able to grab my things quietly and go. I sort of hoped that she wouldn't be in, because then I could get my stuff and she wouldn't even know until she got back, and by that time, she would be gone. But I knew that she would most probably be in. She was only at work one day a week, and today was Sunday, and I highly doubted that she would agree to work on a Sunday.

I dug through my drawer, and found out my house keys, and put them into my pocket. At least then I would have them on the off-chance that she wasn't home.

I checked my emails on my phone, to see if anything had changed since yesterday. I still had the same emails from Twitter, and the odd few from Facebook. But today I also had one from The Voice team. The subject of the email read 'Downloads from 12:00am to 6:00am.' I clicked into the email, curoius, and what I saw surprised me. I'd had a million downloads already. A million. I could hardly believe it.

There was a knock at my door, and I put my phone in my pocket, and opened the door. It was Ricky. He raised his eyebrows at me as soon as he saw me.
'You look dead.' He said, laughing at me.
'How the hell do you manage to look alive?' I asked him, walking out of my flat and locking the door behind me.
'Years of practice' He said. 'Plus, the thought of stopping off at Starbucks while we are on our way.' He hinted.
I could never say no to Starbucks. 'I guess I could cope.' I said, and we walked into the lift.

We came out on the bottom floor and walked out to his car.
'Thanks for this.' I said, getting in.
'It's fine.' He said. 'Anything for my winner.'
I laughed. 'Who says I belong to you?'

I turned his radio on, but none of the music was any good. I grabbed the aux wire, and plugged my phone in, and went onto Napster. I had so much music downloaded off there on my phone, that it took a good while to scroll through it all and find what I was looking for. I pressed play, and the sound of Imagine Dragons filled the car.
'Good choice.' Ricky said, pulling into the Starbucks car park. 'What do you want?' He asked, getting out of the car.
'Strawberries and cream frap?' I said, already knowing what his reaction would be.
'Seriously? Not even coffee.'
'Just shut up and let me be fat already.' I laughed, and he went off into Starbucks.

At least going home wouldn't be as bad with Ricky by my side. He already knew what my dad could be like, so he didn't really like my family.

Ricky came back to the car, and passed me my drink. He took a drink of his coffee then put it into his cup holder, and started the car up again.

He drove for a while without saying anything, only giving me the occasional look to ridicule me for my choice in drink.

'Anyway, what sort of books are you into? We never really spoke about your books.' Ricky asked, breaking the silence.
'Anything.' I said. 'I read so many different genres, but mainly young adult, so most of them have romance in them.' I laughed.

'Jesus christ!' Ricky said, raising his voice. I looked up, thinking he was annoyed with me for my choice of books. Then I saw it. A car had pulled out of a sidestreet. I only saw it as it was right up against the side of us. Then I heard the crash and crushing metal, and the screech of the brakes. Everything happened at once. The car stopped, the pain all over me increased. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything.

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