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I'm so sorry I'm taking so long to update!!! I have so much going on at the moment - I'm having to spend whole days just on revision. I'm sorry guys! 

Plus, I'm back at school next weeks, so updates may be even slower. Sorry!

Another thing I'm sorry for - how short this chapter is. 

Enjoy, anyway!

Love from me xxx


‘Hazel, hurry up, it’s almost on!’ Lexi shouted, pulling a pizza out of the oven, and dumping it on the coffee table in front of the settees. 

We were both in the first episode of the blind auditions. We knew that much. We had no idea when we were on though. 

I ran through from my room, and threw myself onto the settee. I grabbed a slice of pizza.

‘Want a Hooch?’ Lexi asked. Yet another thing we had in common - we both loved Hooch. 

‘Sure,’ I said. Might as well celebrate. Lexi took the top off of two bottles, passed one to me, and kept the other to herself. 

The show started with the camera on Ricky. He turned to Tom. ‘This is going to be a good series,’ He said. ‘I just know it,'

I looked at Lexi, and we both girly-squealed. Not the sort of thing you would imagine a gothic girl to do. But Lexi wasn’t your typical goth. 

The first person on was a girl. She was only sixteen, and she was stunning. She looked much older than me. It was unfair that I always looked young compared to everyone else. My mum always told be to see it as a gift though, because ‘when you’re older, you’re gonna wish you could look younger than you are.’ I guessed I understood where she was coming from.

A few contestants later, I saw my intro come on. Oh god. I was terrified to watch myself back.

‘Hey,’ TV me said. ‘I’m Hazel Jones, I’m eighteen, and I’m from Nottinghamshire. Singing had always been a big part in my life, but I’ve never believed I’m much good. My friends signed me up, so here I am.’ I said and laughed nervously. ‘This is my chance.'

I looked so confident walking onto that stage. Much more confident than I had felt when I had been walking on stage. I guess I was just good at faking things like that. 

I began singing, and now, I noticed all of the smaller details that I hadn’t when I was there. The way the audience went silent as soon as I began to sing. The camera flicked onto Ricky. This was one of the parts that I had been waiting for - seeing the coaches faces as I had started singing. Ricky raised his eyebrows, his head back in his chair. He leaned forward and turned to Tom.

‘She’s good,’ He said, wide eyed.

‘Really good,’ Tom agreed. 

Lexi elbowed me and raised her eyebrows at me. She was as amazed as I was.

Then they started turning, and it was amazing. I was able to re-live that whole moment. And it felt great. To know that for once, people liked me.

Immediately as TV me had gone off stage, a text came through to my phone. It was Megan.

‘WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!’ the text read.

‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t.’ I replied. ‘I wasn’t allowed,’ I added at the end, and sent it. 

I did feel bad. I always told Megan everything, but I couldn’t tell her this before. But now she wouldn’t trust me the same, because it looks like I tried to hide it from her. If I could make her believe me fully, I would. But she has her own mind.

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