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The next few weeks went fast. I didn't do much apart from attempt to sing Halo - really not a song I felt confident about - and stopping myself from fangirling. 

The time to drive to Manchester came around fast again, and soon enough, we were back at the studios.

'I'll call you when we're finished, mum.' I said, getting out of the car. 'And I'll call you when I get to the flat.'

Today I was moving into the shared accomodation near the studios where all of the contestants stay. There were three flats per team, all sleeping four. I was sharing one with Hannah - the girl who I was singing with in the battles - and two other people.

I pulled my suitcase out of the boot of the car. Mum came out of the car.

'Have fun, yeah?' She said. 'And don't you go getting drunk.'

I laughed at her. 'Sure, mum.' I said.

The door to the building opened, and a familiar figure was stood there. Ricky.

'Hazel!' He shouted, and walked towards me.

'Hey Ricky.' I said.

'You ready?' He asked.

I looked back towards mum. 'I'll be okay.' I said. 'And I'll make sure I call you.' 

Mum nodded. 'I guess I'll see you then,' She said.

'Yeah,' I said, and smiled. 

I turned around and went to Ricky. I was smiling like an idiot - I was so happy to be here. This made it all real. I was really here - preparing to be on The Voice, with Ricky Wilson.

Still never going to get over it. 

We walked inside, and it seemed so weird to be seeing the same room that I had saw on TV so many times. Now I would be that girl in there, waiting to be told what I would be singing, although I did already know. 

I was one of the last to arrive, so I went straight to sit down in the gap that was left in the middle of the front row.

Ricky began to go through the names of people, and the songs that they would be singing. Of course, everyone already knew what they were singing. If Ricky hadn't have told them, the producers had. 

'Hazel and Hannah.' He announced, and we both stood up. 

Okay, he hadn't told me that Hannah was drop-dead beautiful. She was tall, platinum blonde, and skinny. I was short, dirty blonde, and slightly chubby. Great. 

'You'll both be singing Halo.' He said, smiling. 

I looked at Hannah, and she smiled back at me. 

'Cool.' I said, and nodded. 

Once the filming of that part was over, Ricky began to take pairs through to the room next door to go through their songs. 

'Hey, so you're Hazel then?' Hannah said. 

'Yeah,' I said, and shrugged. Why bother saying that if she knew my name from Ricky saying it? 

'Well, I'm Hannah, so hey. I can't remember seeing you when we were all waiting to go and perform?' She said, meaning the first round performance. 

'Oh?' I said. 'I was there, I was just wearing different stuff...' I said. I dug my phone out and opened a picture of me from the first round. 

'That was you?!' She said, not hiding her surprise. 

I nodded. 

'Why is Ricky texting you?' She asked. 

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