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Ricky's POV

Being in the crash wasn't the worst part. I didn't mind the noise in the crash, because at least then you knew something was happening. It was the silence that followed was the worst.

'Hazel?' I said, and looked at her. Her head was bleeding so badly I could hardly make out her face. There was shattered glass on her lap, and her eyes were closed.

I was fine. I could move, and my car door opened. I stumbled out of the car, and rummaged through my pockets for my phone, but I couldn't find it. It must have dropped out in the crash. I crawled back into the car, noticing that Hazel's phone was still in her hands from her changing the music, and unplugged it from the aux cord, and dialled for an ambulance straight away.

I can't even remember much of the conversation I had. All I can remember was looking up and realising that the car that had crashed into us had somehow managed to drive off unnoticed.

There were no other cars around. It was just me and Hazel here, on a small country lane leading to her home town. I shouldn't have taken the short cut. I should've followed the main roads in. At least they would have been safer to come in on.

A noise came from inside the car. It was Hazel. I got back in.
'Hazel?' I said.
'Ricky.' She whispered. 'I can't move.'
'It's okay.' I said. 'There's an ambulance coming. Everything is going to be alright.'

I wasn't sure who I was trying to reassure when I said that. I wished that I could believe that everything was okay, but I knew just by looking at Hazel that it wasn't.

'Don't go.' She said. 'I don't want to be alone.'
'Don't worry, Haze, I won't. You're my winner, why would I leave you?'

I heard sirens coming down the road. There were lots of them. An ambulance arrived, along with a fire engine and some police.

'It's okay.' I whispered to Haze. 'They're here. You're going to be fine.'

The paramedics came over to the car. I got out.
'I'm fine,' I said. 'It's Hazel.'

The paramedics got into the car, and began talking to Hazel and checking her over. Someone from the fire brigade joined them.
'We need to get her out, fast.' I heard one of them say. That was when I knew just how bad it was.

A paramedic came around to me and asked if I was okay.
'I'm fine.' I said. 'Please, just go and help Hazel.' She needed more help than I did. I knew I had cut my head, but that was all.

The fire brigade began cutting into the car. I didn't want to think about how scared Hazel would be. I wished they would let me be in there for her. I just wanted to be able to keep an eye on her forever, so I knew that she was okay.

They took a section of the roof away from the car, and I could see Hazel again. In full light, she looked worse. Her eyes were barely open, and she had an oxygen mask over her face.

They lifted her out, and put her onto this board, then strapped her onto a stretcher. Her head was placed in one of those orange neck-supports that you see on Casualty. Her left leg was also strapped up, her jeans pulled up above the suport. It was covered with bruises.

I followed her into the Ambulance, and sat at the side.
'Try to keep talking to her.' The paramedic said. 'She's lost a lot of blood, and we want to keep her awake.'

Hazel took the mask off her face. 'Ricky,' She said. 'It hurts.'
'I know it does, Hazel. It will get better. I promise.' I hoped it would. I hoped she would.
'How bad does it look?' She asked. 'It's really bad, right?'
I shook my head. 'It's okay, Haze. It's not that bad.' I lied. Even she knew I was lying.
Hazel began to close her eyes.
'Don't you dare go to sleep, Hazel Jones.' I said.
'I'm not,' She said quietly.
'Yes you are. And you're my winner. I'm not just letting my winner go to sleep. Think of all the partying we have left to do.'
Hazel smiled, her eyes closed now. 'Even winners need a break sometime.' She she said quietly.

Then it was the dreaded silence again.

I turned to the paramedic. 'Is she okay?' I asked.
'We can't really tell until she gets in and has tests done.' She said.

The ambulance stopped, and they got Hazel out. I followed them.

When we got in, they started saying bunches of things that I didn't understand. They were all talking really fast, and all at once.

A nurse took me off to wait in a family area while they did tests on Hazel. I sat down, I didn't know what to do with myself.

I grabbed Hazel's phone out of my pocket. This was one of the areas where you could use your phones in the hospital. I unlocked it, grateful that she didn't have a passcode, and scrolled through her contacts. I didn't know why I would do that. It was just a thing I did. I found mine. 'The Angry Mob'. She had never changed my name from that first day we met. That made me happy for some reason.

I scrolled to Simon's contact, and called him. I didn't know what else to do, and he was always been there for me.
'I was just having a very enjoyable after-party sleep.' Simon answered. Last night he had gotten so drunk with Hazel, it was hilarious. 'How are you awake, Hazel.'
Just the sound of someone else saying her name brought the harsh reality back to me. 'It's Ricky.' I said.
'Oh god, was last night one of those nights? Is that why you have her phone?'
'What? No.' I said. 'I'm in the hospital. I was driving Hazel home to pick up her things, and we were hit by another car.'
'Oh god.' He said quickly. 'Are you okay?'
'I'm fine.' I said. 'It's Haze that isn't.'
'I'm coming down.' He said. 'I'll be there as soon as I can.'
'Thanks.' I said. I wasn't sure if it would really help to have Simon here though.

'Mr Wilson?' A nurse had walked into the room, and I hadn't realised. 'Hazel's okay.' She said, and I swear that was the first time I had actually breathed since the accident. 'She doesn't have any back, neck, or head injuries. All she has is a fractured leg, and a lot of cuts and bruises.'
'Is she awake?' I asked, hopeful.
The nurse shook her head. 'Hopefully she should wake up soon though.' She said. 'But you can come and see her now.'

I followed the nurse through the corridors into a side room where Hazel was. She looked better. Her face had been cleaned up, and her cuts stitched.

I sat on the chair next to her bed. I didn't know what to do, so I did what I did best - started talking.
'Y'know, at times, some of my songs come into my head. Or the lyrics from them. There are so many people who don't understand the meanings to the lyrics, and to be honest, many of them don't have a true meaning. But some that have a lot of meaning are in Roses. 'It's dark where the roses grow.' Roses are some of the most beautiful flowers. Those words point out that the beautiful people don't come from perfect backgrounds. Perfectness doesn't bloom into beauty - it turns people spoilt. However, you don't come from perfection. You, Hazel Jones, come from a bad family, and life full of bullies. And you are one of the most beautiful people I know.' I said. I felt like I was finally letting everything out. Things I had been keeping in for a while, and it had been slowly killing me from the inside. 'I guess, what I'm trying to say is I love you, Hazel.'
'At least I don't have to make the first move now.' Hazel said, taking me by surprise. I thought that she wasn't awake yet.
'How much of that did you hear?' I asked. I hoped she hadn't heard too much. It just embarrassed me.
'Plenty.' She said, and smiled sleepily.

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