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I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!! Okay, so now you know that, I'll just let you get on with your lives. Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoy it!!!
'Happy birthday,' Ricky said when I opened my door to him. 'You ready for a fun day of rehearsals, where you will most probably lose your voice if you're lucky?'
'What if I'm unlucky?' I laughed, coming out of my flat and locking the door behind me.
'You'll be so tired that as soon as uou get home you'll be asleep.' He answered, walking down the corridor with me.
'A normal day then?' I laughed.

We got outside and I got into Ricky's car to go to the studios. And for once, it wasn't just me either. Ricky was taking Lexi and Adam in. At least rumours wouldn't start about us if he took these two in as well. After this long with us spending time together though, I wasn't that sure that people would start rumours. We had already been seen around together, not no one had said anything.

Ricky put the radio on as soon as we set off. He never usually did that, but it was probably so we didn't have to hear Lexi and Adam flirting. They were getting so close. It was cute, but kind of gross. I always found that sort of thing gross.

'Falling Awake' came onto the radio straight away, and I smiled, because I pod this song too much. Then I had a bit of a reality check and realised that the lead singer of Kaiser Chiefs was currently sat right next to me.

Ricky reached to turn the radio off.
'Don't you dare.' I warned.
'Hazel, I hate listening to myself.' He said.
'Then sing.' I said. If he could force me to play guitar, I could make him sing.
'I am not singing on my own.' He said, raising his eyebrows, before quickly looking back at the road.
'Spoilt.' I said, and promptly began singing along to the song. And then Adam and Lexi joined in. Ricky was smiling, but still not singing.

'How can you not sing to this?' Lexi shouted forward.

Ricky sighed, and then gave in and began singing. I turned to look at him. He was smiling as he was singing.

The song finished just as he pulled into the car park. We all got out of the car as if we hadn't just sung with Ricky Wilson. Inside, I was fangirling like an idiot. I had just sung randomly with Ricky Wilson! If Megan found out about this, she would kill me. She would be so jealous. She had a massive crush on Ricky just like I used to.

We walked into the studios, and into the rehearsal room. It always made me feel a bit uncomfortable in there because you had cameras permenantly on you, catching new clips for the show.

'So, Pompeii?' Ricky said. 'We all happy with that?'
We all nodded. I was so happy that we were singing Pompeii. It was a song that I felt so comfortable singing, and it was one of the first songs that I learnt to play on my guitar - although I wasn't telling Ricky that. Being made to play it once is enough. Especially when I didn't have any confidence in it.
'Right, let's get this nailed, okay?' Ricky said, and then turned to the band. I always found it strange to rehearse with a band playing. I was used to singing to either me playing guitar, or just the actual music.

We ran through the song for the first time, and we couldn't help but laugh Going through a song without practising before with so many other people was a bit like just getting in a car without any knowledge and someone to tell you to drive. It was terrible.
'Right,' Ricky said, laughing. 'Why don't we sing it more like he original?' He said, looking at Adam, who had tried to change it a bit, meaning that his singing matched in.
'And we may need to learn when to come in,' he said, looking over at Lexi, who had completely missed her que on her first section. 'And when to shut up.' He said, looking at me. Okay, I got a bit carried away when I was singing, and I forgot that it was Ricky's part coming up, so I carried on singing until he glared at me.

We went through the song without the band, slower, just singing our individual sections and getting them right.
'Now this is my section.' Ricky said, smiling at me, because he had reached he part that I had accidentally sung when we first went through it.
'Okay, okay, you can shut up now.' I said, elbowing him.
Lexi and Adam raised their eyebrows. 'Shut up.' I said to them.

The band began playing again, and we sung through it. It sounded so much better, but we had so much work to still doing.

Most of the time through the rehearsals, I found myself watching Ricky. He was such a different person when he was singing. He wasn't normal Ricky, he was Ricky Wilson, the singer. The same Ricky whose concerts I had been to and just fangirled from being near him. Now I was actually singing with him. In the same room as him. Right next to him. And that amazed me.

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