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Okay, don't kill me. But this is it. This is my last chapter. THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL I PROMISE. I just have exams, so I can't start writing for around another month. I've loved writing Roses so much. You are all the most supporting people, and you make me so happy. I hope you enjoy this. I was almost crying while writing it. And I'm in the same room as my parents. THAT WOULD BE EMBARRASSING.
I love all of you so much. I hope you understand how much. You are all so nice to me.


I woke up, and for a moment I didn't know where I was. Then I realised I was staying with Ricky. He was wrapped up close to me.
'Morning,' He said, sleepily, brushing my hair away from my face with his hands.
'Already?' I asked. I felt as if I had only just fallen to sleep.
Ricky laughed. 'Yep, already.' He said.

Light was beginning to flow through the cream curtains, dimly illuminating the room. It would have been cold in here, except I had the heat of Ricky's body cuddling onto mine.

'You okay this morning?' He asked, kissing me lightly on my forehead.
'Mmm, not the best.' I said. I still had the pain in my side, because my painkillers had run out overnight, but my leg wasn't too bad.
'I'll go get you some painkillers.' Ricky said, sitting up in bed.
I stayed lying down, and pulled the covers further up. 'It's cold now.' I said.
Ricky laughed and got up. 'Would you rather be warm or not in pain?' He asked.
'Maybe not in pain.' I said.

Ricky laughed and walked out. I heard his footsteps go downstairs. I dreaded going downstairs soon. It took so much effort. It was a form of art which took a lot of practice.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. Last night, I had realised how well designed the bedroom was when Ricky told me that there was a plug socket at either side of the bed, so I could plug my phone charger in. I had turned my Instagram notifications off the other day, since it was running my battery down becasue I was getting so many notifications through. People had heard the news about the crash, and the comments on my photos were going mad. Loads of people were asking if I was okay. I realised I hadn't posted since the accident, so people didn't know that I was out of hospital.

I found a random picture from my phone - one of my cream guitar - and wrote the caption. 'I'm okay, guys. It's so nice that you all care so much. I'm just really bruised, and I've got a fractured leg. But overall I'm okay.' I posted. I didn't mention anything about me and Ricky. I wanted it to be okay with him before we told anyone. I knew that people didn't like him as much after Lesley split up with him, and so many people believed he was just a player. I didn't want people to see me as just another person.

Ricky walked back into the room, carrying two cups of coffee, and balancing a box of painkillers on top.

I managed to get into a sitting position in bed, wincing at the pain, and Ricky passed me the coffee. It was a black coffee, and at this time in the day, that was perfect. He passed me the painkillers.
'What do you want to do today?' He asked, getting back into bed, and drinking some of his coffee.
I shrugged. 'Stay in bed all day and never move again?' I said, and laughed, then immediately regretted it for the pain that was rising.
'Go to an interview?' Ricky said, looking hopeful.
'What the hell?' I said.
'Well, I have one booked in today. The interviewer is coming around here, and I just thought you might want to join in.'
'Looking like this?' I said. I knew that no matter what he said, I looked terrible. I had cuts on my face, and bruises coming out on my arms. I didn't want peoplee to see me like this. I know, once I would never have cared about my appearance,, but now, things seemed different. It was like people would expect me to look the way I did all the time on The Voice.
'Haze, I really don't care what you look like, and neither does anyone else out there. they care for who you are, and well...' Ricky said. 'Look, I know it hasn't been long since I told you, but I was it to be out in the public that we are together. I don't want to have to keep secrets. But if you don't want them to know that's fine.'

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